
Free or Not? Premium

Do you want to be free or controlled by the collectivist elitists?

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  1. about 9 hours ago on The Flying McCoys

    Ok. You state you have faith in God, so I will start from there.Please describe the God you believe in? What does your God do when faced with these things of which you complain:

    “And the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God allows it. If I know a violent crime is going to occur, I have the ability to stop and, and I let it happen, I am ethically and morally complicit in that crime. God is no different. Every time a child dies of starvation, or disease, or war, and God COULD stop it that’s on him. Your blind faith in the storybook of the bible aside you wouldn’t give a human the same leeway you give to your deity. God is either powerless to stop evil or he CHOOSES to allow evil and calling it “free will” is nonsense and a weak excuse for moral corruption.”

    In the mean time, I will respond.God does not come as a magical being to Earth and wave his magic wand and solve all problems.

    God, the Triune God (The Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit), gives men freedom to choose good vs evil.

    Men, are inherently sinful and choose sin. They choose Pride, Lust, Anger, Envy. Sloth, Greed and Gluttony.

    Men, through their sin cause war. They ignore disease or create the conditions that allow it to grow.

    Those who Choose God’s path defend life. They feed the hungry and/or create the conditions that prevent starvation.

    Suffering is part of human existence and part of the reason we are the CHURCH MILITANT, fighting evil on earth so Good can prevail.

    NOW, Please describe the God you stated you believe in and how that God allows the conditions you describe.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    The laptop definitely points to Biden being a bag man for money funneled from the Chinese Communist Party and Ukranian oligarchs to Joe. This is influence peddaling by the President of the United States to America’s enemies!

  3. about 9 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    The Biden Crime Families victims are in the hundreds of millions and higher. The treason of working fort the CCP and the Ukraine oligarchs is deadly to many. Just ask the people buried in the continued Ukrainian war that Biden is finding for his Ukranian friend that bought him off. How many dead and imnprisoned Chinses are there due to the CCP police stations in America and ofcourse the human rights abuses in CHina Biden supports.

  4. about 9 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    The lies are the ones spewed in your nonsense.

  5. about 9 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    Hilarious. My answer was “zero”. Perhaps you should read what I wrote.The answer on the numbers I have evangelized who have listeneded to and appreciated the messages is large and regular.I am a Catechist and teach regularly.

    You sound like you are judging me, I think Jesus had something to say about that.

    Now, as far as Mercy, Grace and Love the spiritual acts of mercy apply here. Ahem.

    “To instruct the ignorant ;

    To counsel the doubtful ;

    To admonish sinners ;

    To bear wrongs patiently;

    To forgive offences willingly;

    To comfort the afflicted;

    To pray for the living and the dead."

  6. about 19 hours ago on Get Fuzzy

    You are arguing an untenable position. You don’t have to be a neuroscientist to figure this out. Your choices are yours. Do they come from neuronal activity? OFCOURSE! They are informed, however, by the conscience.

  7. about 20 hours ago on Two Party Opera

    Sorry I misread it in a a short morning effort to get out the door and based in ways I explan just above. Sorry about that.

    The false assertion that Adams is/was a “monarchist” date to the Presidential electoral politics of Jefferson (who I also love). So, I overreacted in a busy morning rush to get out the door.


  8. about 20 hours ago on Get Fuzzy

    Yes, the brain is a configuration of neurons. But you use that amazing brain to do things, like make choices.

    When you see a person you don’t like, do you murder them? No., Why, free will allowed you to make a choice to restrain yourself from attacking them because you KNOW it is wrong,.

    When you see an attractive woman, do you aggressively push yourself into sex with her? Hopefully you restrain yourself and not act like an animal who does not. Free will does that.

    When you have a job and can do good work or mediocre work, because your income depends on good work, you use FREE WILL to CHOOSE to do good work to get the money,

    This is simple and I think you are just trying to push a false narrative to help others believe this nonsense.

  9. about 20 hours ago on Two Party Opera

    Ok,. I can see that I got it wrong now. Thanks.

    I have a knee jerk reaction to defend who I consider one of the greatest founders.

    Sorry, I misread that.

  10. about 20 hours ago on The Flying McCoys

    Nope, but the Catechism of the Catholic Church gives great insights into the mysteries of God’s influence on our lives. Believed by billions, like me, who also know in certain ways how God does NOT work and does.

    Again,m advise on your faith status and we can discuss further.