ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for March 16, 2012

  1. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  over 12 years ago

    Afghans bitting the hand that feeds them…but when your naught but a Mad Dog you recognize neither your own state of being, real enimies, or true friends.

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  2. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 12 years ago

    Hmm, methinks a raw patriotic nerve was touched.The Dutch left Afghanistan a couple of years ago; they knew when they were no longer welcome.

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  3. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 12 years ago

    baited with “Or are you too busy stoning your women?”:) You’re funny.In your posts in non-American cartoonists’ threads, when the theme might entail a criticism of American policies, I note you immediately retaliate with a statement aimed at denigrating in some way the nationality of the cartoonist. This tells me volumes of your insecurity as regards your nationality. Patriotism is something easily manipulated. Your baiting comments show us that you’re aware of this but what they also show us is that you’re vulnerable to it, too.

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  4. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 12 years ago

    Gresch said “In a movie…”Yes, a great source for “quotes” and facts.I know who I owe allegiance to: humanity and our environment. Not any government, not any country. Too many crimes have been committed in defence (or offences) of one’s “nation”. I once made a hard choice and chose not “serve” the government of the country of my birth. Would you ever have the courage to do the same? Or will you simply say “I was only following orders, serving my country.”Patriotism is for the foolish.

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  5. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 12 years ago

    I tried to post on ViewsAsia, at the time of responding to Gresch’s latest post now, before this post, there are 15 comments noted but I cannot view any at all.I’m responding to it by viewing Gresch’s history. I’ve signed out and rechecked; still no posts visible. I’ve checked my other posts and they remain visible so I have not been “banished”. I was also unable to submit the post. I tried from 2 different browsers. I hope a simple glitch.Gresch: I’m posting my reply to you here since I could not under ViewsAsia of 16th of March.Gresch suggested“A little threatened by educated women are we?”Hmm, here it is again: the taunt. To get the other to be on the defensive, you allege a position in order for the other to immediately deny. Ok, here we go: Judging by your invective against a Sandra Fluke in your posts recently, I’d say you display a remarkable display of feeling threatened by women in your own country.

    It is interesting how, in all of my posts, I have never shown any disrespect for women’s rights, nor have ever advocated that they should be denied rights, yet you seem to think that if one does not share your view that the West should remain in Afghanistan, ostensibly to protect and promote women’s rights, then one is somehow threatened by women. A strawman’s argument. However, your posts regarding Ms Fluke remain as a testament to your true position.You also continue to project conflicting emotions as regards Afghans. I do not see any altruism involved in the West’s involvement in Afghanistan. Nor do the Afghans overall. If the goal of the West, post 7th Oct, 2001, was to have lifted Afghans in general out of poverty, provide opportunities for the education the general population, and create better opportunities for women, raising respect for them and to liberate them, then it has been one of the single most incompetent failures in recent history.But we both know it was never about women’s rights. If only. It’s been about realpolitik (or in this case, UnRealpolitik)Gresch asked "So when did the Taliban sign the Geneva Convention?Right, so if they never did, one does not have to uphold to a higher morality; the lowest common denominator is fine. Well, we are at least in agreement here: there is no American or Western exceptionalism.

    Gresch suggested “If the land is being used to grow poppies then no is being fed from that crop.”Oh yes, many are being fed. From the proceeds of the sale of the poppies. It is a cash crop, a money earner. Do you think local farming is just for subsistence? Do you think creating a dependant population on food aid is better than allowing the farmers to grow alternate foods is a solution? There it is: the Western paternalism showing through. And you complain of your current leader’s actions? Oh, boy. Gresch also said: “The US has saved more Moslems lives than the Iranian did against Iraq. Were you OK with the 7000 deaths in Bosnia”Some confusing statements here. Religion is brought in; more obfuscation with Iran and Iraq being brought into the thread; And Bosnia, too, no less. I’m sorry, what is your point here? More strawman’s arguments? But what position are you attempting to project? Please elucidate.Gresch also blustered “Leaders take charge, wimps whine, and Cowards fight like the Taliban”I have no idea what this is about either. Bush W certainly “took charge”; “cowardly fighting” by the Taliban seems to have had a measure of success, unlike the bombing from up above, in remote controlled drones or otherwise. See cartoon above.I have no admiration for the Taliban; au contraire, they are the yardstick we should use to warn us why fundamentalism is to be avoided. However, Western actions here haven’t proved to any more admirable. This Afghan adventure is a yardstick we should use to warn us how paternalistic arrogance is to be avoided.

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