Ted Rall for February 27, 2012

  1. Missing large
    mimismom  over 12 years ago

    @Jrmerm — What a crummy thing to say! You obviously don’t have a clue how humiliating it is to be out of work and not be able to find another job. A lot of hard working people are on food stamps because it’s either that or watch their children go hungry. Wake up, the welfare queens and kings crapola is a myth.

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  2. Missing large
    eepatt  over 12 years ago

    @mimismom: Welfare queens do indeed exist. They are those that take government subsidies and tax breaks—big oil, big ag, big banks, big exporters of jobs, ……..

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  3. Pete.bleeds
    crlinder  over 12 years ago

    You would probably be best served by seeing a licensed therapist at your earliest convenience.

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  4. 402683main ec92 1284 1 full full
    Sportymonk  over 12 years ago

    I have worked hard all my life. I have been an USAF officer for 13 years. Minister for 9, high school teacher twice for a total of 8 with some P/T community college teaching thrown in. I have a BS in Physics and Math, MAT in Ed, and a M.Div. Quit teaching in June of 08 to start my own photography business and teach at community college (public HS is not working for me but I love teaching people that want to learn). As we all know that was the worst time to make that decision.Bottom line, have been working at Borders Books 55 miles away until they closed the store. Working at a national retail store P/T but they won’t let us get over 23 hours a week. Had been working at QVC warehouse in NC seasonal 10 hours shifts Sun – Wed and the retailer Thur – Sat. That is 7 days a week with no break.QVC season work ended a two weeks ago. Now only getting 6 – 14 hours at the retailer. Unemployment in Rocky Mount Nc is the highest in the state and that doesn’t include the Old Navy that recently closed, the Sears that is closing, the US Mail Distribution Center that is closing, and the 450 out of a 1000 that PNC is laying off as they take over RBC bank.I have found that those who have a nice job have no understanding for what it is like for the rest of us.Go here and read the Oct 15, 2011 and the Feb 11, 2012 posts. http://comments-life.blogspot.com/And don’t hand me this crap about living off the government on unemployment. I am able to get $128 / week minus what I make at the retailer. My house note is $700, my health care for my family is $850. Add in food, skyrocketing gas, etc and you will see quickly that I am NOT living off the government! Offer me a job in the area (60 mile radius) and I will take it.

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  5. 100 1176
    Lavocat  over 12 years ago

    Wonder if that cop would be so glib if the dead guy had turned the gun the other way. And on the cop. D’oh!

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  6. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  over 12 years ago

    Some people have to justify “letting go” of a loyal employee of 25+ years so they can pay a semi-literate twenty-something half of the pay to do a tenth of the work. After all, that employee “chose” to be loyal and decisions have consequences.

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  7. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Yeah, and besides, his credit cards – all 50 of them – are not all maxed out either!

    This is one of Ted’s better efforts at dark humor!

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  8. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 12 years ago

    Right. Tupac and Biggie are alive and well. They are partying in the Bahamas with Elvis. And they have the alien body from Area 51 as a party favor.

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  9. 402683main ec92 1284 1 full full
    Sportymonk  over 12 years ago

    @ Walruscarver2000 – No I am not complaining about my unemployment benefits, I am complaining about the lack of jobs out there and the lack of understanding by people that have jobs. I left the military under the huge drawdown in force in the early 90s. Ministry I left as I grew tired of the fussing, fighting, and bickering that went on. Left high school teaching as I couldn’t’ stand teaching people who didn’t want to learn. Sometimes you don’t know the job till you get it.

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  10. Pete.bleeds
    crlinder  over 12 years ago

    You’ve already established that you’re a racist in other threads and are now in seriously deluded antisemetic territory. You need psychological help. I’m not saying that as a snarky cut; you’re in need of real help.

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  11. Pete.bleeds
    crlinder  over 12 years ago

    I didn’t say being antisemitic is racist. I was referring to comments you made about “negros,” in a thread on a prior Ted Rall comic.

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  12. Pete.bleeds
    crlinder  over 12 years ago

    Nicely done Dandwriter1. I just went back to the comic and see that you have deleted all of your racist posts, which is why my comment now appears as a non sequitur in that thread. Please get some help.

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  13. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    Check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel#Surveys_and_Polls This basically kills your idiotic notions about Israel. Educate yourself, rather than listen to hate groups who want to exterminate Jews.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    The current “conservative leaning” is based on the FACT of debtor prisons, indentured servitude, “sharecropping” and outright slavery as “good”. Their myth is the Horace Greeley, Ayn Rand myth that just by wanting and being so “special” in themselves, they will all be welcomed into that top 1% of uber-wealthy “privileged class”.

    The Reagan-Bush legacy has been unemployment, high inflation in basics like housing, and deregulated debt subjugation of the middle class by a dishonest, and plainly corrupt “finance industry”, and corporate generated plutocracy.

    “Social justice” does NOT MEAN “socialism” or “communism”, it actually means a balance of regulated capitalist economics, with a degree of social involvement and caring by those who DO accumulate wealth, far more often by inheritance or luck, than hard work.

    Like Clinton, Obama isn’t hardly a “liberal” on all elements, and has done far more for job production, and sustainable resource production (though he COULD do a lot better), that actually looks to a future for America and Americans. He SHOULD have closed Gitmo immediately, he should have re-regulated finance and market forces, and ended our “wars” more judiciously, but, that little old thing called “Congress” and the Constitution limits him from doing what Cheney and Bush tried to declare “legal”.

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