Steve Breen for February 21, 2018

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Well, heck, having effective background checks is exactly the same as confiscation of all guns from law abiding citizens, leaving only the criminals armed.




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  2. Picture
    Ontman  over 6 years ago

    Come to think about it why aren’t there better background checks on members of the Trump White House staff? You know, for security reasons.

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  3. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Its done by the same people you tell something to if you see something.

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  4. Missing large
    nospam4sdo  over 6 years ago

    Have any of you ever actually bought a gun? Do you have first-hand knowledge of the process? Or are you just regurgitating the old BS about how it’s all the NRAs fault? The background check process, supported by the NRA I might add, prevented more than a million people from purchasing a gun between its inception and the time a CNN article was written in 2013.

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  5. Missing large
    Odon Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The NRA has also fought against a variety of measures that would handicap an individuals ability to overarm themselves.

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

    I don’t know, because the GOP and NRA have resisted every law regarding guns that have come down the pike? They both love money more than your life.

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  7. Wtp
    superposition  over 6 years ago

    I hope that somewhere in the universe there is a functional democratic republic where the people’s wants and needs are actually met by their representatives as their highest priority.

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  8. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 6 years ago

    The GOP is making too much money off of the NRA to worry about who is actually buying guns.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

    Time to overthrow the murderous minority.

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  10. Img 0048
    Nantucket Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Why aren’t there better background checks on those who hold government offices? There’s a third of the White House staff that do not have a full security clearance, and that’s considering that there isn’t a complete staff. But Donald never had a background check and I seriously doubt he could pass one. Members of Congress too – they see PLENTY of classified information.

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  11. Sneaky garfield  solar eclipse  002
    Sneaker  over 6 years ago
    I have purchased 5 hand guns and each time I had to fill out papers giving a lot of my personal information, then wait for them to call in to a place and check on me before I could buy that gun. This is in Ohio. I also had to take training to get a permit.
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