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  1. 10 months ago on Bill Bramhall

    Imagine if the vice president had the power to overturn a presidential election. That would mean the current vice president could just do that to. Imagine the power the one person would have to just say don’t like this result I will just change it. If the vice president really had this power, they would be far more powerful than the president. I wonder if anyone has told Trump that if he truly believed Pence had that power that the result of the next election is in the hands of Kamala Harris. So, if he really believes it, Trump actually believes Kamala Harris has the power to overturn the next election. I would really like to see what he says to that.

  2. 11 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    I don’t seem to understand why this is a worry if it was Hunter or not why does it matter?.

  3. 11 months ago on Chip Bok

    Look I am not American so you can hate me if you like. But why does it matter who cares about Hunter Biden. If he did bribe someone or if he is a drug addict or corrupt what does it matter. Give the evidence to the apparent authority and see if they do anything. If he had influence over the president and the president did something based on this where is the evidence. Surely thats doable

  4. 11 months ago on Stuart Carlson

    Look I am not a US Citizen so maybe I don’t understand but who care about the cocaine or random white powder found at the Whitehouse ?. If it was Hunter who cares ?, why would anyone care ?. What does it really mater ?. If you blood tested everyone who works in the Whitehouse under any government would you likely find a fairly high percentage of positive outcomes indicating a fairly large amount of drug users working there I am sure. This could happen under any government and if it was hunter who cares he is an admitted or caught drug addict is that a surprise ?. Why is that an issue ?

  5. almost 3 years ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Why does the church not care about say polititions who support the death penalty. That don’t seem to care about wars polititions support or support for guns all over the place. They just want to pressure a politition on very specific issues. I think thats very dangerous maybe the church should be reminded when they were in charge and we had the dark ages.

  6. almost 3 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    So, I do not see the church going after politicians which support the death penalty. Or politicians who deny gun violence happens and do nothing to at least regulate gun control. Or stop Catholics from joining the military, or many other things which are contrary to the church teachings. How can you advocate for death in wars etc and still be a catholic? I do not see the church making a stand there.

    The important point here is when the church oversaw politics, we had the dark ages. Freedom between church and state is a fundamental corner stone of democratic systems. If the church gets to say to any of its members you must do things there way you may as well put them in charge of the government. If that is what you want to vote the priest, bishops etc into power and see how well that works for you.

    I think attendees of any church should have the right to question religious doctrine. If they did not have this right they are simply puppets. This is especially important when they are politicians. Do you want politicians who are puppets or churches?

    Just because Trump held a bible did not make him a good Christian. Does he even know or care about anything in it? Does he even understand the concepts enough to question religious doctrine? I do not think he cared, that is my opinion he just made decisions which would get him votes. If he could get more votes offending people that is what he did. For some reason, some religious leaders liked trump however if you look at his history, I don’t see how they justified this support under their own doctrine.

    I have no idea on how good a leader Biden will be but at least seems to be consistent on this but only time will really tell.