Nick Anderson for May 05, 2016

  1. Noh8 tw
    socalvillaguy Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Yeah, exactly.

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  2. 100 8161
    chazandru  about 8 years ago

    The two party oligarchy has been bipartisan in one regard… they work together to limit the ability of the electorate to choose candidates not part of the political ‘clubs’ run by R & Ds alike. The delegate system and the electoral college protect the political and financial elites from the poor judgement of voters. They and their media lobbying arms use social issues to keep us focused on hating and working against each other instead of against them. It is unethical, immoral, but by the will of the elected.. it is NOT illegal. Respectfully,C.

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  3. Missing large
    sgm001  about 8 years ago

    @ Respectful Troll, @Superposition, & @TedLind,

    This exchange is why I read the comments, and I wanted to thank you for thoughtful insights and an exchange of ideas, rather than useless one-liners and semi-glib trash hurled about by certain people who lurk in the dark, crawl out from under their bridges and spew the hate their lives have become. Way to go guys!

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  4. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Bernie has been an independent his whole political life.. Now he wants favourable treatment from the Party..Dream on Bernie.

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  5. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 8 years ago

    The Superdelegates become an actual issue when they hand a nomination to someone who didn’t earn it with the primary voters. It’s never happened yet, and won’t this cycle..Bernie is legitimately getting his ass kicked by the Democratic primary voters. Compared with 2008, it’s a rout. In 2008 the popular vote was basically a tie. This year it’s Hillary winning by 56-42% – not remotely close.That said, I think the Sanders campaign is continuing to talk just to muddle the actual math – so his voters continue to stay engaged, and donate all that money through California. They are just extraordinarily bad as making these statements in the traditional (elegant) way that doesn’t hand Trump and the Republicans all these juicy sound bites they can use against Hillary in the fall campaign.

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  6. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    Superdelegates are unpledged delegates to the Democratic convention, meaning that they aren’t beholden to the results from primaries and the caucses the way pledged delegates are. They don’t get more of a vote, they just aren’t beholden to the voters like the pledged delegates are. This is like saying my votes counts for more than a 12 year old’s vote, because the 12 year old is not voting. Regular voters are not voting in the convention.

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  7. Chpic
    Nov Nov Man  about 8 years ago

    I feel Bernie is our only protection against $hillary. Certainly, Drumpf won’t be able to stop her.

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