Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for October 29, 2021

  1. Rick
    davidf42  over 2 years ago

    Morning, Village!

    I was surprised to find in my mailbox this morning a message from Arye.

    Dear Villagers,

    I don’t know who has been following “Rex Morgan,” (at the same time I’ve been packing to take my semi-annual trip from NY to Miami) but my guess is that Michelle will disable Griff, hopefully without the bomb going off while, at the same time, someone in the ZOOM audience has called 011.

    Have a good night and let’s hope Jordan and Michelle’s wedding goes off without a further hitch and Rex and June can bring cake home for their kids to enjoy.


    My email to “Montana Lady” has failed. I hope she iand her husband are alright and that she has just changed her email address. – Arye

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    Dkram  over 2 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds

    My sister told me it was 29 this morning but, when I looked it was closer to 27. Finally, getting close to being cold out there. Today’s forecast is for generally sunny and a high of 56. Storm coming for the weekend, but, it may be done with by Trick or Treat time. BOO!

    My avatar today is the Hayden House as it appears today with it’s rebuilt el part, the old el part was destroyed by fire many years ago.

    It was in the early 1960s when word spread that a Texan had bought the Hayden House. The gent was from El Paso, TX and his wife was from Orleans, VT (just down the road and over the hill) William S. and Evelyn Chadwick. They set about restoring the old house.

    The Chadwicks were both teachers and William was principle at two aria high schools, he was also an ordained Baptist minister and served our Methodist church for over 25 yrs.

    In his declining years my nephew’s ex would stay with him, she is sensitive to paranormal and did not like the house much.

    The Chadwicks are now gone and their eldest daughter or grandson come back to the house from time to time. Now after almost 200 yrs the house remains.

    do enjoy your day and may God bless.


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    MontanaLady  over 2 years ago

    Nothing much on the agenda today, just regular housework.

    Today is Bruce’s biopsy. They’ll use CT technology to guide them to the best spot. The tumor is near his tail bone and is sitting on a nerve.


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  4. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 2 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds and Shalom.

    It was nice to hear from Arye. I am saddened that he is now so severely restricted. I know how much he enjoyed his trips into Mexico every year. I hope the walks he takes with his friend’s dog will help him.

    It’s Friday afternoon and hovering around 78. The forecast is for 81 and it is very pleasant out on the patio. I don’t stay out for more than a few hours, though. Those chairs kill my backside.

    I went to have my nails done this morning, and the barrier that was put up between manicurist and client has been removed. After a year and a half with it up, it seemed so odd to not have it there. She did ask that I continue to wear a mask when I am with her, though. Happy to oblige.

    Other than that, not much is happening around here. We did have someone drive in and try to peer through the windows of the vacant unit across the path from us. I do wonder if something has happened to that family because there are still things in the garden window and a personalized “welcome” mat at the front door. We haven’t seen them in weeks.

    Everyone have a safe and blessed day.

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  5. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 2 years ago

    PS: ByE is pretty self-explanatory today.

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    chris.smith618  over 2 years ago

    Good evening, Vagabonds.

    Wet and cold here today. It was 46 at 7 am, 50 at 1 pm when I met my friend for lunch and has dropped to 46 and the rain is still falling. At least it is a gentle rain.

    We went to our favorite Korean BBQ today. I wish I could make Bulgogi that tasted half as good. I just have to keep trying until I get it right.

    May you all have a wonderful and blessed night.

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