Mike Luckovich for May 26, 2013

  1. Ek 11
    jazzmoose  about 11 years ago

    Perhaps you should examine your own beliefs rather than assuming you know those of everyone else.

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    cdward  about 11 years ago

    Who said we have no problem with it? Apparently, you haven’t been listening.

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    goweeder  about 11 years ago

    DespisedbytheLeft said, about 3 hours ago

    “Liberals who oppose the death penalty on the grounds of their “compassion” have no problem with Obama killing with drones.”

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    goweeder  about 11 years ago

    “Liberals who oppose the death penalty on the grounds of their “compassion” have no problem with Obama killing with drones.” …………………………………………………... Your ignorance only shows when you make a statement such as the one above. It so happens that I am a devout liberal, and I LOVE the drones — which take out our enemies without putting OUR guys at risk. What’s not to love about it?And if you check out the dictionary’s definition of ‘liberal,’ you’ll find out that we are a lot nicer than you guys are.

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    goweeder  about 11 years ago

    “…………… Why do you think liberals still blame Bush for ALL their ailments instead of the policies of Obama.”………………………………………………..Because Bush DID cause all the ailments.

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    patcrs  about 11 years ago

    As long as there are tea party conservatives in Congress there will be action taken on anything. All they want to do is cut everything realizing that their program cuts would hurt the poor and elderly but they don’ care. Repubs should realize that the two wars started under “W” are costly and we will be paying for them for years to come. This added a whole lot to the deficit. Tea party conservatives that are not willing to compromise needo be voted out.

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  7. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 11 years ago

    1. Obama is not trying to be a godhead, or savior, no one on the left has ever said that, those are words from thee cons. He neither tries to achieve utopia or said that he would.2. I have seen far more vitriol from the conservatives.3. If you think that this administration is the only one that is arrogant and dodge and weave, and said things like "i don’t recall, then you have a very short memory. 4. Obama had the libs up in arms because He (Obama) leaned so far backward to appease the GOP in the 1st. 3 years, that it was awful, and it took him a while to believe that the cons were sworn to Never work with him on anything, ever. 5.It would be refreshing to see any administration to be truthful in all ways. I’m a lib who wants the 2nd amendment protected, I would like to have the 1st, 4th, and many others to be respected again. (freedom to assemble peace- ably, freedom from warrant-less searches) , and I disagree that we could be held without anyone charged. I am against war, I am a Quaker. So, neither side c rightfully call the others out for being too bad. All parties are controlled by the world bankers.

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