Michael Ramirez for August 23, 2011

  1. Blackbird
    baileydean  almost 13 years ago

    New York Times

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Krugman has proven far more accurate over the years than any other “economist”, especially any of the “dip-wads” touting “Reaganomics”- I mean, come ON! When even GHW knew it was an inherently silly “chicken blood” hypothesis.

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    agent.007  almost 13 years ago

    Krugman corroborated by Bush-41! Bwahahahahaha! The funniest comment of the day!

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    mrdoody  almost 13 years ago

    The first thing you need to know about Krugman is that he is a democrat, he is a liberal, and he is a Keynesian. Oh wait that’s like 3 things. To the average American Krugman is nothing but a paid Op-Ed writer. To a few, his other writings offer significant insights into Keynesian economics. If you don’t know what the Keynesian economics theory is it can be summed up as the answer to any recession is to spend money, regardless of any other mitigating factors like debt. The second part of that economic theory is that if the spending doesn’t work then you spend more money and so on…

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    petergrt  almost 13 years ago

    He is a definition of intellectually inbred leftist uberintellectual.-He is also the 2008 Nobel Prize laureate for economics – New Trade Theory. -Being a leftist means never to be wrong, but than again, even a broken clock is correct at times.

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    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Uh, even Greenspan, the “architect of errors”, and Ayn Rand’s best buddy, finally admitted he got it all wrong- too late. Krugman has been more accurate, I did not say “error free”- there’s a difference. (And we’re paying for it.) I don’t totally trust any “economist”, just like “politician”, but I’ll put my money on Krugman, as Greenspan’s folks ripped me off!

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    ^Petergt, the fact that Buffet and his company look to invest in AMERICAN companies that hire AMERICANS obviously proves he’s totally clueless. He cares about OUR economy, not China’s and storing his profits in the Cayman Islands.

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    eksteen  almost 13 years ago

    No one understands you, Michael. Your cartoons are too intellectual. Don’t forget, you are talking to the new Republicans here.

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    stoic567  almost 13 years ago

    re: Bill Kristol. Can you back up that remark? Looks like another of your empty, throwaway comments to me.

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    shaggy92420  almost 13 years ago

    go easy on Pauly Krugnuts…he’s still mourning the fact that the East Coast earthquake didnt cause massive damage…think of the stimulus it wouldve created!

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    The Nobel commission lost all credibility when it gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize before he did anything. So… yeah. That prize is effectively a paperweight in my opinion..As to the economic theories, if you look at what I like to call a “common sense” approach, you look at what the 300 million Americans do every freaking day. You look at how much money you make, compare it to how much money you spend, and if you have extra money, you should save it. If you spend more than you make, find ways to spend less. You don’t start paying everything on credit cards… Eventually you have to pay the piper. .So on one hand, you have the Keynesian theorists who believe that you have to spend your way out of an economic slump. .On the other hand, you have people like me that realize it’s not an income problem, it’s a spending problem. In addition, you let people spend their money as they see fit, and the market will correct itself. .So… now that we’re trillions into the Keynesian side of things, how’s that workin’ out for us? .Let’s look at an alternative to what was done. Yes. The housing market bubble burst. This isn’t about who caused it or how, this is about dealing with the aftermath. So businesses lost money, people got underwater, etc. We all know what happened. Now, we have businesses afraid to hire because of the direct actions of the government. The Great Depression was exacerbated because of the tinkering of the US Government, and so is the current recession. If there was nothing that was changed, no excess spending that was thrown down, and we let the market right itself, our unemployment rate would be better than it is now. .I’m talking about the concept of animal spirits. Right now, people are spooked. Businesses are spooked. Everyone is clutching everything they have close to their chest because they are afraid. And that fear is caused by uncertainty, especially in the private sector.

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    Donald Hubin Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Michael Ramirez has won numerous prizes for editorial cartooning, including two Pulitzer Prizes. This is nothing to sneeze at. But, when it comes to understanding economic issues, I think a Nobel Prize in economics trumps even two Pulitzers for cartooning.

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    yohannbiimu  almost 13 years ago

    Or, maybe the Nobel committee is just a bunch of folks who vote for whoever is up on their conventional wisdom scale, like Barack Obama, Al Gore, or Yasser Arafat. mrdoody presented a fairly accurate foundation for Mr. Krugman’s idiotic theories, history and data prove that Keynes was wrong, but to a collectivist history and data only get in the way of “progress.”

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    jmdanley  almost 13 years ago

    Too bad that Keynes’ version of economics has been proven to work far more than Milton Friedman’s. Face facts, Trickle-down has been a massive failure. It’s been more like a golden shower…

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    stoic567  almost 13 years ago

    Krugman is an idiot frog puffed up with his own opinion of himself.

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