Matt Davies for June 01, 2009

  1. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    The next Republican nominee?

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  2. 2008 12 22 1
    greeneyedtxn  about 15 years ago

    NO! He would lose too much money if he ran. No he does what politicans cannot. He is in it for the power not the headaches and pressure of the presidency. You don’t like what he says? Don’t listen to him. Turn him off. I turn him off all the time. My husband likes to listen to him. To each their own. America is great! We have the freedom of voicing our opinoins. Not all countries do have that.

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    tlackner  about 15 years ago

    The Republicans have been lost in the vast waistline of Limbaugh so long they don’t even realize he’s leading them into, not out of, political obscurity.

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