Kevin Kallaugher by KAL for May 21, 2013

  1. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  about 11 years ago

    The economic argument that debt is causing recession is gaining massive real-life examples to the contrary.

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  2. 100 8161
    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    The study on which many austerity plans were built was found to have mistakes. The young man who discovered the mistakes and brought them to everyone’s attention shows that severe austerity and focus on debt is not necessarily the best way to rebuild the economy. I’m tempted to look for the links, but so many people already have made up their minds, I doubt they would be read.Money represents goods and services. Beyond that, it doesn’t exist. When disasters strike, a bar of gold is worthless next to a loaf of bread and a case of clean water.The disasters are striking. Who has the money?There are things the gov’t can do to create short term jobs that will result in longterm jobs and improved quality of life. Sadly, our legislators care more about the next election than dealing with our nation’s problems. Please write to your elected officials and ask them to get back to work.Respectfully,C.

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  3. Baltimore city and inner harbor
    Dr Lou Premium Member about 11 years ago

    An EXCELLENT cartoon!

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  4. 100 8161
    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    Hello Mike.FDR’s programs were aided by WW2’s construction boom. I have read conflicting studies that argue about whether “the New Deal” would have worked as it did if we had not been selling supplies to England and other nations at war with Japan, Italy, and Germany and then actively fighting in the war.It is hard to prove a negative.Thank you for your continuous well referenced comments and the excellent tone you always bring to the table.Now, if I could only get you some visine. Your eyes look AWFUL! ;)@Robert Landers – I wrote and submitted the above before I saw your own excellent post. Just wanted to thank you for the additional info, and your own efforts to keep the debates on a level and civil playing field.^Take care neighbors.Respectfully,C.

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  5. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 11 years ago

    I suggest you read some history instead of making it up. Economists agree that FDR’s actions — which were NOT his original idea, by the way — helped pull us out of the Depression.As for your assertion about his fundamentally changing the US, um, no. He did FAIL to pack the Supreme Court, you know, and in fact there was no limit to the number of justices, so he was Constitutionally entitled to do so.Every war puts more power into the presidency. This is a bad thing. You should have been paying attention to the Bush administration, which introduced most of the recent “Imperial Presidency” nonsense that Obama has taken advantage of.No one — NO ONE — has voted for “unlimited government.” But some idiots have voted for “no government,” which would have meant we would have lost WWII. For the record.

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