Jim Morin for June 06, 2012

  1. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Don’t blame Florida, Blame the politicians.(I voted against him.)

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    kamwick  about 12 years ago

    Another stupid state…..just wait till the next hurricane…they’ll be bleating for more of that federal money. Guess they must think it comes from fairyland and not those evil taxes they hate so much.

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    jmworacle  about 12 years ago

    Before I started work for my employer I was required to take a drug test. Why are public employees and people who are public assistance exempt?

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    joe vignone  about 12 years ago

    Come out of the closet Scott. The Republicants have a big tent. They will welcome fascists.

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  5. Computerhead
    Spyderred  about 12 years ago

    The Wiscinsin voters love Mussolini-imitators like Scott and his paymasters.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Folks came south, drained the swamp, and turned Florida into a cesspool.

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  7. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 12 years ago

    Why can a convicted felon run for office?Why would people vote for a convicted felon to be their leader? Personally I think he looks like a space alien.

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  8. Makotrans
    Ketira  about 12 years ago

    onguard – do you live here? If not, then SHUT UP. Florida is a unique state both Ecologically & in its People. We have the highest in Unemployment (I’ve seen thousands go for 20 job positions), our Housing market is one of the Worst in the Nation, and many people are abandoning their Pets simply because they can’t afford to feed/care for them anymore. And that’s not mentioning the Weather we have….If you want to talk about Florida, come live down here for a few years. Otherwise – SHUT UP! I’m tired of seeing my state badmouthed by Nobodies like YOU who don’t know what it is to LIVE here!

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  9. Makotrans
    Ketira  about 12 years ago

    Excuse me? Go read what I said to @onguard. I am a Native Floridian, born in Miami & raised in Key Largo. (I consider myself a “transplanted Conch.”)I have seen Disney World being built, section by section.I remember going to Cypress Gardens before they went out of business.I’ve lived through a few Hurricanes that have hit here – even one that went right over my house.So don’t you dare call ME a Hypocrite – because I am a Native.…and our Politics are as Unique as our State. So if you don’t live here – do your homework before you open your mouth.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    For the Floridians, and rightisright. I used to go down to Florida 45 years ago. The Everglades were nice, as was Big Cypress, and more recently the “night life” in South Beach is fun. I’ve spent considerable enjoyable time there over the years. But HATE going there now.

    I’ve also watched what has happened to Florida since those earlier visits. My brother retired and moved there, dragging my mom with him. He died two years ago, she’s now stuck there, because it’s far to expensive, and dangerous, given her age and medical condition to try to move her, she’s 99, 100 in two months.

    I"ve had to make a number of trips back to care for her, and frankly, if you paid me $1 million a DAY! I wouldn’t move there. Yes, there are, temporarily, a few nice spots left, but the “residents” and politicians, are working harder than in any other state to totally destroy anything positive in the state. it truly is a sad thing.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Ketira: don’t take it personal. Some nice places around Ocala, had a pleasant drive from Leesburg over to Daytona Beach. Yes, the folks who bought my mom’s house are very nice, moving down from Maine when they retire.

    About 15 years ago, flying in to a meeting at Ft Meyers, coming over Tampa, saw them building a shopping center over a sinkhole site, yes, you can see them from the air. We commented “does anyone plan in Florida?” Whie we are at the conference, that hole collapsed, dumping all the construction into the hole!! About those “gratuities for service” by planning folks etc??

    Also, as I live at about 5,000 feet, like skiing, and getting AWAY from people, Florida’s a tad too crowded any more. Oh, I’ve also been a certified diver since 1962, and the bay off Norfolk also has lot’s of those fossil sharks teeth.

    I won’t go into how much damage “certain folk’s” policies did to the Everglades. The current push toward screwing over Big Cypress to allow more ATV and vehicle use is also a potential tragedy for the Florida panther population.(among other things)

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