Jeff Danziger for March 13, 2015

  1. P1030246
    louieglutz  over 9 years ago

    go ahead, frag the louie.

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    WaitingMan  over 9 years ago

    Senator Cotton, trying to show that Ted Cruz is just another RINO.

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    twclix  over 9 years ago

    Terrific cartoon. Aggressively true, if that’s possible. You gotta wonder where ol Tom Cotton got it into his head that this was appropriate. It’s hard not to ascribe a racial component to this outrageous republican behavior. Maybe it’s not the case, but this is an unprecedented affront to the President.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Cotton, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, and their like “natured” on the right, do show how “fragging” came about.

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Nah, It’s OKAY If 47 Republicans Do It!

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    DGH10  over 9 years ago

    Republican Senators that have sent the letter Tom Cotton, the junior senator for ArkansasMarco Rubio, senior senator from FloridaRand Paul, senior senator from KentuckyTed Cruz, senior senator from TexasDavid Perdue, the junior senator for Georgia, Joni Ernst, the junior senator from Iowa, James Inhofe, senior senator from Oklahoma, John Cornyn, senior senator from Texas, Mitch McConnell, senior senator from Kentucky and the Majority Leader of the Senate since January, Roger Wicker, junior member of the senate representing Mississippi, John Hoeven, senior senator from North Dakota, Richard Shelby, senior senator from Alabama, Thom Tillis, junior senator from North Carolina, Richard Burr, the senior senator from North Carolina, Steve Daines, junior senator from Montana, Jeff Sessions, junior senator from Alabama, John Boozman, senior senator for Arkansas, Cory Gardner, the junior senator of Colorado, Shelley Moore Capito, junior senator from West Virginia, Ron Johnson, senior senator for Wisconsin, Mark Kirk, junior senator from Illinois, James Lankford, junior senator for Oklahoma, Chuck Grassley, the senior senator from Iowa, Roy Blunt, junior senator from Missouri, John Thune, senior senator from South Dakota, Mike Enzi, senior senator from Wyoming, Pat Toomey, junior senator for Pennsylvania, Bill Cassidy, the junior senator from Louisiana, John Barrasso, junior senator from Wyoming, Jim Risch, the junior senator from Ohio, Mike Crapo, senior senator from Idaho, Deb Fischer, senior senator from Nebraska, Ben Sasse, the junior senator from Nebraska, Orrin Hatch, the senior senator for Utah and the President pro tempore of the United States Senate, Dean Heller, the junior senator of Nevada, Pat Roberts, the senior senator from Kansas, John McCain, the senior senator from Arizona and the 2008 Republican candidate for president, Rob Portman, the junior senator from Ohio, Lindsey Graham, the senior senator from South Carolina, and Mike Rounds, the junior senator from South Dakota were the other signatories.

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