Henry Payne for February 13, 2016

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    Kaizer66  about 8 years ago

    OldCoal said"The notion that oh, maybe roads require money to maintain and that inflation and labor costs affect government just as well as private individuals just never seems to cross the conservative mind. The idea that a population of over 300 millions will require more roads, more street lights, more snow removal, more water lines and electric lines – it’s just unthinkable. " (snip) All of those things are State and Local projects The feds couldn’t care a drop about those things. This is just an attempt at a money grab for more misappropriation of funds for pet projects. What we need is to trim the fat on the spending that has grown out of control and unchecked while the tax payers see little real benefit. No one in the federal Govt. has an excuse to require more taxes while the house of cards is collapsing due to fiscal irresponsibility. What we need is more average Joe citizens in federal offices but average Joe citizen can not afford to run for office because the mega wealthy simply out spend them if they tried. The first step to fiscal responsibility is to cut out the bloated outrageous spending on elections. Neither of the two major parties want to lose control and a viable third party candidate only serves to funnel votes from one party or the other. America is broken and the people are unable to correct it so it remains broken.

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    William Bednar Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I’m going to agree with the majority on this one. We don’t need another tax.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Both conservatives and liberals want to spend money, the only difference is conservatives want to screw the poor and middle class by eliminating things like social security and Medicare while liberals want to screw the rich and big companies. Neither factions has a real record and history of actually controlling the budget and debt.

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    jespence97  about 8 years ago

    As if Payne cares about the poor.

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    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    Someone has to pay for all those tax cuts the republicans gave to billionaires.

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    kurt.zwicky  about 8 years ago

    " How much of that money’s being misappropriated and spent elsewhere?"How else did we pay for those idiotic wars W got us into?

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    tauyen  about 8 years ago

    we must keep gas cheap so people can afford high horsepower low MPG beasts and SUV’s.

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    Nantucket Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I never see a complaint from Payne when states cut income tax rates while raising sales taxes and increasing costs for licenses and other fees.-The biggest problem I see with this will be the burden on truckers. It would be equitable in the days when companies hired truck drivers as employees and paid for gas and other expenses. But today companies call them “independent contractors” so they don’t have to pay expenses, provide benefits and they pay by delivery not by time worked.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 8 years ago

    “The crazy thing is over half the country is not paying a thing while living off the smaller part of the population that is paying taxes”Simple solution to that problem: start paying them more instead of adding a few billion to Scrooge McDuck’s vault. Most of the people who don’t pay Federal Income taxes are either retired or working poor, not unemployed losers as you make them out to be.

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    MaryWorth Premium Member about 8 years ago

    The POOR would love to afford a car, Henry!

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    oneoldhat  about 8 years ago

    dear uncle joe none of bho new tax is going to fix roads it is going to crony capitalism [ ex solyandra] // yes uncle joe a person’s job skills hardly clears $7.25 will find people wanting to pay $15 // easiest way to raise wages is build a border fence // reduce supply of low skill people wages go up but racial bigots who hate USA black and greedy corp will block it

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    But when oil companies Jack the price up a dollar or two, as they choose, per GALLON, so the CEO can buy a new yacht, no biggie, right? The current price drop is doing interesting damage to economies, as those same “poor folk” jump in line to buy more gas, while they can. But don’t worry they will soon find a way to bring the over-production in line, and bring price back up.

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