About Globetrotter

Globetrotter is inspired by the creator’s personal travel experiences. Ainsley has travelled to 31 countries to date, spanning Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas. She has lived in Canada, Norway, Germany and England, which has added greatly to her ability to write this comic strip in the most authentic way possible. Ainsley’s distinct travel experiences abroad have shaped Globetrotter into a funny, adventure driven, exciting and inclusive comic strip. 


Globetrotter’s lead character, Chloe, is based off of Ainsley, while Elsie, Chloe’s mom, is loosely based off of Ainsley’s real life mom, Wendy. Many of the jokes included in Globetrotter are based off of actual conversations Ainsley has had with friends and family or while travelling abroad. Many of the experiences Chloe has throughout Globetrotter are based off of actual real life experiences Ainsley has had.


Ainsley intends on travelling to every country in the world, and by extension, Chloe does as well.


Ainsley is a cartoonist and an illustrator. When she’s not sketching out her life in picture jokes for Globetrotter, she’s developing creative content for high calibre companies worldwide. Ainsley is skilled in both traditional and digital illustrative mediums and thrives exceptionally well under pressure. Ainsley loves travelling the world and is always planning trips to new places. When she was 24 she wanted to drive across Canada, but her mom insisted it was too dangerous and she’d be better off backpacking through Europe, alone. So they busted out the atlas…yes, the ATLAS.. and with pretty much no planning at all, booked a flight to the UK. Life motto: If not now, then when? Adventure Awaits! 

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