FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for June 12, 2014

  1. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 10 years ago

    REX MORGAN: Edward’s classmate’s are standing up to him as the teacher is not allowed to due to the PC laws that have pervaded siety.

    MARY WORTH: Mary has a nuanced way of getting tO THE KERNEL OF ANY PROBLEMS IN oLIVE’S FAMILY.

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  about 10 years ago

    Rex Morgan – Girl with ponytail says, “OK, you two hold him down while us two beat his face to a pulp!”Rex Morgan – @Arye, you’ve just hit the nail on the head. The teachers’ hands are tied these days and the bullies control the classroom. As a result, the teachers never have enough time in class to cover the lessons and the American education level continues to decline.Judge Parker – Get ready to blow him away!Phantom – Hope they don’t see him!Sally Forth – Forget both the other ideas and go to New Zealand!Mandrake – Panel 2 – Our planet is the only one with life ‘as we know it.’

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  3. My boys
    woodworker318  about 10 years ago

    PHANTOM: Three people in the chopper and they didn’t see the other guy? They were to busy doing the math for P.s flight.

    REX MORGAN: The bully doesn’t like it when he is called one. Somehow they don’t think they are.

    MARK TRAIL: What a sad good bye. What ridiculous adventure awaits?

    MARY WORTH: Mary can’t stop prying, can she?

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  4. Th
    marvee  about 10 years ago

    Wouldn’t it be a great summer to go to Africa with Mark Trail and then New Zealand with the Sally Forth family?Rex Morgan – If one person stands up to a bully, it gives others the courage to come forward. Re: woodworker’s comment, No one likes to be called names even, especially, when they’re true. It’s easier to see others’ faults than to see our own.Mary Worth – Olive is lonely and neglected even though parents are affluent.Judge Parker – Still a chance of someone getting trigger happpy.

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  5. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 10 years ago

    Rex Morgan1. The one thing teachers can do is send the bully out of the classroom to the office. My SIL taught 3rd grade in CA (one of the most PC states) and that’s how she handled the bullys. She did not allow them to disrupt the class.2. Does anyone remember that the important donor is coming to see Sarah. Will she walk into this verbal confrontation between Sarah & Edward? And will she be impressed with Sarah’s standing up to him or condemning because of her “outrageous behavior”?

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