Nick Anderson for August 14, 2012

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    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago


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    NoFearPup  almost 12 years ago

    That happens to be the current rules of the Tax code. I didn’t see the Dems attack it when they had the Trifecta of House/Senate/White house. I guess that makes Reid a “hypocrite”.

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    NoFearPup  almost 12 years ago

    Sorry, Morty,,, The Dems want to make this race a Rich against Middle Class/Poor contest. If Romney didn’t pay his taxes – that is an issue for the IRS. But , even then, ever since Timothy Geithner and the other Libs who “forgot to pay their taxes” were let off the hook – we in the public need to see some reciprocity in tax-return disclosure before this needs to become a campaign issue.

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    braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    ^The IRS had no idea Geithner did not pay what he was legally required to pay, right?-But this SAME IRS would have nailed Willard if his taxes were not in order, especially the multiple tax shelters?-Of course, since Willard’s tax shelters remain hidden, it’s somewhat difficult to determine.

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    ARodney  almost 12 years ago

    There’s been a class war for the past thirty years, and based on all the data, Mitt’s class has won. Why does he feel the need to cut his own taxes even more (Romney has actually said he disagrees with Ryan on taking it to zero, but then, why’d he choose him? To make himself look moderate?). Only idiots will vote Republican this year.

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    crlinder  almost 12 years ago

    Trolls, take a look at how Northern Redman made his points in the thread for Stuart Carlson’s toon of August 13th. Note that there is another way of making your points and engaging those you disagree with.

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    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    ^The problem remains however, that valid discussion IS the most viable means to an end (positive), but MUST depend on VALID FACTS. Every time rational discussion begins, it seems the “radicals” come in with a flood of MISinformation to throw discussion off the cliff. Science and economic realities (simple mathematics, really) of course are first targets of distortion.

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    ninety_nine_percent  almost 12 years ago

    so true, but so hard for Fox viewers to understand.

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