Steve Benson for July 05, 2012

  1. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 12 years ago

    He’s just trolling again

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    I was a helicopter crew chief and flight engineer in the Army, helicopters are LOUD! I was also a NPS Ranger, and later a Wilderness Specialist with BLM, “solitude” is a key part of the experience in National Parks, and on remote areas of public lands.

    The point of the ‘toon is that McCain and Kyle have pushed the NPS to INCREASE the number of flights, fixed and rotary wing, for tourist flights within the canyon. They don’t care that folks who’ve taken he arduous hike into the canyon and out, might want some peace and quiet for the experience. BTW, their argument is that disabled and our “wounded warriors” can only “enjoy” the canyon from an aircraft. I’ve worked for decades to provide access for persons with disabilities into wilderness, and remote areas so THEY TOO can get away from cities, and “civilization”, and enjoy the outdoors. This argument for more flights is GARBAGE! It’s all about MORE PROFIT FOR CONTRACTORS! also btw, safety concerns over the number of flights are ignored in the argument for MORE congestion and traffic in the air.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    Every effort IS being made by “conservatives” opposed to actual “conservation” to privatize the parks, and ALL public lands, to our great loss. The NPS organic act called for preserving the parks for the “enjoyment” of future generations. A key to that defense is limiting access to vehicles available when the Park Service was created: in 1916! Sorry, but ATVs, Aircraft, and snow machines have become a destructive plague on the public lands.

    The first commercial Jeep 4 X 4, 1947. The first “ATV”, 1973! These are NOT “traditional” uses, but very much modern, and UNDER controlled! (millions now out there destroying the land) BTW, I also road dirt bikes responsibly, and a few folks still do, but the VAST MAJORITY of riders are too lazy to walk anywhere. After monitoring the events I have, and judging by the “belt buckle assessment”, the only “disability” Blue Ribbon and others are concerned about is obesity.

    Also, the attack is on by mountain bikers, who ARE physically fit, but their objective is NOT observation of the outdoors, but competition with themselves to see how fast they can go down a trail, or, like motorcyclists, how many new “trails” they can find, or create. Wheels are the plague, not JUST, motorized use.

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