Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 14, 2012

  1. Ahm8 perceptor
    perceptor3  over 12 years ago

    You first, Winslow!

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    KPOM  over 12 years ago

    Do coyotes pay taxes?

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    tigre1  over 12 years ago

    We CAN tell who’s the liberal in THIS strip. “There’s a REASON why you don’t want to release your tax info?”

    It’s true. Not only are we trusting and fearless, we don’t have a clue about our friends’ evil. We DO wake up and see how badly we’ve been had, though, which is why we’ll have something like the French Revolution here. Just hoping to live to see it.Maybe I should open a taxidermy shop, for people who want something to remember Koch or Rove by…

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    KPOM  over 12 years ago

    I’m with Winslow on this one. If you run for President, someone is going to want to see your tax returns. There’s no use resisting. Just ask Mitt Romney. Now, if Kevin is planning to change his residency to Guam to get the tax breaks…

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