Steve Benson for June 29, 2011

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    toto39  almost 13 years ago

    How can Barry Obama remember and celebrate every Muslim holiday, but he can’t mark Easter on his calendar?

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  2. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 13 years ago

    She is funny. Batshit… er, I mean Bachmann for President!

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    tengu99  almost 13 years ago

    Oh, please. The only reason people know she is wrong is because they had to open a history book to check.

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    petergrt  almost 13 years ago

    0bama vised 57 states, with two more to go, but he was not invited to Alaska and Hawaii . . . .

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 13 years ago

    Would you really want a president shrieking at you for four years, and the American version of the Taliban?

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    halfabug  almost 13 years ago

    Its not ok for any one to miss speak except for Obama. She is 12 not 13.

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    petergrt  almost 13 years ago

    0bama’s yesterday’s lecture was replete with intellectual dishonesty, that could only be mustered by, and admired by devout Leftists and victocrat parasites.

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    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    The Republicans might actually do better if they stopped recruiting all their candidates from clown college.

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    theporche  almost 13 years ago

    You left out these:President Barack ObamaHe likened his bowling to “the Special Olympics or something” on the Jay Leno show, and later called the head of the Special Olympics to apologize.Obama called Nancy Reagan and apologized for saying the former first lady had conducted séances in the White House, after The Associated Press reported Obama’s charge was untrue.In February 2010, Obama referred to a Navy Corpsman as a “corpse man,” mispronouncing the military title in which the “p” is silent.As a candidate in May 2008, Obama claimed he had visited 57 U.S. states – rather improbably given that only 50 exist.Earlier this month, President Obama, while speaking at Fort Hood, said he was glad a certain Medal of Honor recipient had survived, when in fact the soldier perished and received the award posthumously.In July 2008 in Indiana, Obama said in a speech that “The Bomb” had been dropped on Pearl Harbor. The incident occurred when Obama appeared to have difficulty reading what was written on his teleprompter.In May 2008, President Obama stated that his uncle was among “the first American troops to go into Auschwitz.” But Stalin’s Red Army, not America, liberated Auschwitz.

    and of course these:Vice-President Joe BidenBiden in 2008 asked a Missouri state senator to stand up and take a bow. Biden was unaware that the politician was wheelchair-bound.In September 2008, Biden said FDR spoke to the public via a televised address following the stock market crash. But Herbert Hoover was president at the time, and the only TV sets were experimental.Shortly after being sworn in, Biden hailed Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens as “one of the great justices,” then identifies him as someone else, “Justice Stewart.”In February 2009, Biden appeared on the CBS Early Show to assure voters that he would carefully monitor stimulus spending. But he forgot the “website number” for the site.In March 2010, Biden famously told the president, and a national TV audience, that passing Obamacare was a “big F—-ing deal.”

    Biden’s joke that one could hardly visit a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in his home state of Delaware, unless one spoke with an Indian accent, falls flat with minorities.When a longtime former senate colleague referred to Biden as “Mister Vice-President” Biden replied “give me a f—-ing break.” The remark was picked up by a microphone.

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  10. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 13 years ago

    Anyone continuously on the public stage is occasionally going to screw something up. None of them should be judged on the occasional gaffe, misquote, or honest error, but what they say the rest of the time. And comparing Obama to Bush/Palin/Bachmann is like a giant among pygmies.

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    yohannbiimu  almost 13 years ago

    “Slips of the tounge,” eh? Wow. First of all, it’s spelled tongue, and secondly, you either do not know anything about Obama, or you’re a subversive cretin. The media didn’t care a wit about all of B.O.‘s anti-American associations or questioned his desire to “fundamentally change” this country. If you Obamabots had any minds of your own, you’d see that this “change” is destroying the country. We are on the same road to ruin that Bush had us on, but we’re headed there at a faster rate than any other president in our history.

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