Matt Wuerker for July 05, 2011

  1. Missing large
    hotdogger  almost 13 years ago

    Don’t see anything wrong with any of those cups. Would you rather we sip from cups of Hemlock brew like the spenders are preparing?

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  2. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  almost 13 years ago

    @Tower & Hdogger, would you sign the Declaration of Independence if it were presented to you?

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 13 years ago

    Apparently the add would give the slogan “for the real racist in you”.

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  4. Lorax
    iamthelorax  almost 13 years ago

    Same old hypocritical argument. Shame on that side for trying to ban things I agree with, and double shame on them for trying to keep me from banning things I disagree with.

    How about a new philosophy. People who want a gun, an abortion or have relationships with whoever they want go ahead and do that. And here’s an even more novel idea. How about requiring the government to uphold those personal freedoms instead of demanding they take a side and screw with us for more tax money.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    The cost out-run for the F-35 JSF project is now at a TRILLION dollars, granted for a potential 50 years, but even at the billions already invested in a “bummer lamb” of a project, deficit hawks might look where to nail pigeons and pork in CONTRACTING to “privates”, instead of viable needs.

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  6. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    “So it has nothing really to do with gay guns or abortions”- Which is totally why the Tea Party candidate EXPLICITLY states she’s pro-gun, anti-gay, and anti-abortion and why every Tea Party candidate has had to demonstrate hard-line defense of those positions in order to maintain their nomination lest they be called a “RINO.”

    " I can bet I can go back and find a tea party = racist"- You’re the only one saying it. I’m sorry, I don’t think you’ve swiped your “playing the victim” card enough today. As Jon Stewart pointed out, Conservatives are very good at that.

    “The tea party people look at them and say DUUUH, government should not be about setting a culture agenda. All the tea party is about is LESS government!”- Then tell the Tea party peeps to get out of the way of same-sex marriage protections and abortion protections. Right now it’s just a big load of hypocrisy from people who CLAIM they’re for small government. Heck, even Rand Paul isn’t for small government. He’d have you arrested for attending the wrong speeches. Claiming you’re for “smaller government” is horses—t if you’re only talking about shrinking it for yourself and expanding it against others.

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  7. Dx7ii
    Yammo Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Meh. More scare tactics. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Wake up and smell the tea.

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  8. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 13 years ago

    This tea tastes like Koch or is that Kock?

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  9. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    “of course you do not get it. you get most of your political “news” from a comedian.”- If I did, it’d still be moreso than getting it from Fox News like you do. Oh wait, am I making assumptions? So are you. I read the news.

    “He may have an opinion on all those subjects but he is not running on anti gay”- Didn’t watch the NH Debate, did you? The ONLY CANDIDATE who said they wouldn’t go after the constitutional protections of gays was Ron Paul. The ONLY one.

    “so the libs have to try to set the other sides agendas by trying to make them defend their beliefs”- Playing the victim. The RepublicanTea party requires those beliefs to be put on the table to gain nomination.

    “. The TEA PARTY is about TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY! and still has nothing to do with you social culture policies!”- Which is why it was “started” at the period of some of the lowest taxes in history. Yep. Totally.

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    Ronald Johnson  almost 13 years ago

    The “Tea-Party” and the conservative Republican Party say they do what they do to expand “freedoms and liberties” for all Americans, but the actions they take and the social programs they advocate restrict the ‘freedoms’ and ‘liberties’ of those Americans they are against—non-believers in a deity, advocates for choice in abortions, advocates for gay civil unions, advocates against overseas wars and entangling military alliances, immigrants and undocumented aliens, advocates for the poor, the weak, the children, educational programs, the mentally ill, and those unable to buy health-insurance to be fully-covered, those in nursing homes, under governmented-supported fiscal programs, to name only a few social programs whose “liberties and freedoms” will be curtailed, if not cut out altogether.

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