Lisa Benson for June 28, 2011

  1. Koala
    ransomdstone  almost 13 years ago

    So ????????

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  2. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 13 years ago

    This must be about the DREAM act.Um, it didn’t pass.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    ^^ The problem with that idea is then it becomes subjective and personal opinion comes into play. When emotions become involved, i.e. merit based, then you run the risk of doing what we’re doing now. “He’s a criminal, but his children are innocent.” What then? In addition, why should my taxpayer dollars go to support someone in prison who is in the country illegally?

    We need to have something codified into law and that law enforced. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not looking to find a way to legalize illegals, nor am I looking for a nazi-style persecution of them. I’m saying send them back across, seal the border, and let them come here legally. Many of them are hard working, I would agree. But their very presence on our sovereign soil violates our law and international law…. laws which must be enforced.

    To challenge that we shouldn’t be tearing up families is to claim they were ignorant of the potential penalties should they be caught. They weren’t. All of them know the consequences of their actions. In addition, ignorance is not an excuse in the eyes of the law. That’s why there are so many people who support amending the constitution to remove the “natural born” portion being defined as anyone who was born on US Soil. Many people (not to be read as most or all) have anchor babies, as abhorrant as that seems. And who’s stuck paying the bill? The US Taxpayer (well, at least the 60% of us who actually have a tax liability).

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Unfortunately there is a scam going on with bills like SB1070, it was written by people that have a personal stake in the correction institution. It has been privatized and is extremely expensive. Judges in PA were bribed to send the “right” people to jail, those that were nonviolent. It’s less expensive for the business to lock up the nonviolent it seems. With the states enforcing Federal laws, the prison business can look to become very profitable, the state can send the cost to the Feds, which is still us. This makes it seem like the state is saving money and enforcing the law, win win right? This adminstration has done more enforcement of our borders than the last; agribusiness survives on the back of the undocumented worker. We need to address these issues, the Dream Act had bipartisan support at one time. Now that privatization can see a profit in the plight of these undocumented workers, it’s suddenly the cause of everything wrong in America. Get a grip America, it’s an issue we can solve. Don’t cut off our noses to spite our face.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Reagan was the one who handed out the “free passes” and amnesty. I preferred the INS to the change to ICE acronym, both for the intent behind the agency title, and association. “Ins” mean fewer are “out”. “Ice” is cold-blooded assurance ot those who’ve already “got theirs”, and rarely if ever EARNED it! Makes me think of those with wealth in America today as well, who “earned” it the old-fashioned way, they inherited it.

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  6. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 13 years ago

    I believe this is about charges by an ICE agent who says they are not allowed to detain anyone without a warrant. All other illegals must be set free. Saw it on Fox nieus.

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    oneoldhat  almost 13 years ago

    ^^ reagan said amnesty was his biggest mistake the USA needs to learn from history i have my ancestors had open borders—- good idea jack 75287

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    wbr, Reagan was America’s biggest mistake, well until “W”, who re-instituted his policies with even less restraint or intellectual analysis. Immigration law needs reform, no question, but for a nation built on immigration to now turn its back because some folks want to maintain “purity”, smacks a tad of blindness, arrogance, or just stupidity.

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