Drew Sheneman for June 23, 2011

  1. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 13 years ago

    Let’s stay forever and create a Jeffersonian democracy…

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  2. Cheetah crop 2
    benbrilling  almost 13 years ago

    ^ Why not just a nice plutocracy like we have here?

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    We should never have left Germany after WW II because GERMANS took over. We never should have ended the occupation of japan, THE JAPANESE TOOK OVER!! Hey folks, we got no business trying to run Afghanistan, Iraq, or anywhere but on our OWN territory. “Project for a New American Century” was all Bush’s backers, and pure imperialism.

    Folks are now calling Obama a “weak leader” because he challenged CONGRESS to do their job, instead of having a “unitary presidency” that the Constitution prohibits, but Wush, er, Bush, and Cheney like King “W”, and Prince Dick.

    Yes, I’m finding he caves WAY too often to a Congress he can’t legally force to do what he wants. But it was the “blue dogs” and other weak-kneed Democrats that both gave “W” what he wanted, and are depriving Obama of the ability to truly manage like he really HAS a majority.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    ^ Of course the repubtards and their followers have both cowardice AND total stupidity on their side! When identifying failings even within “your own” can’t sink in with the “opposition view”- it proves they really are closed-minded, and well- stupid.

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  5. Dr horrible1.jpg
    grayhares01  almost 13 years ago

    Sea of glass people. Get used to saying it. It’s the only true solution.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Hmm, well, I do know the history of Japan, post-war, as my aunt on my wife’s side is Japanese, among other things, like the fact another aunt, my dad’s sister-in-law was a German “war bride”.

    As to portraits, I point out failings of those of my own “leanings”, noting the righties can’t seem to do same on their side, and those same extreme righties attack open-mindedness, again, as being “closed minded”.

    Also, stoning is “biblical” – especially of women who “transgress” the rules written by their men. “Witches” were hanged, dunked, and burned by “good Christians”. There REAL crimes of course were opposing the CHRISTIAN church leadership and edicts. Nut-case “muslim” sects are just doing the same today. The true evil is fundamentalism, and refusal to see reality— and the right in this country is hitting consistent foul tips to right field.

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