Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for August 25, 2002

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    farrsouth  over 14 years ago

    It’s insulting to act as though the role of caring for a family is less valuable than a paid profession. I respect other women’s right to choose to work for pay, but am appalled at the number of people (men and women) who don’t respect my right to place the care of my family and shaping of the future (as a mother) above the money I could make as a career woman or the accolades I would receive in a professional environment. [and before some of you even think it, not every woman who works “has to”… many could choose to sacrifice some material things to be home with their kids if they really wanted to] This seems to be a common “liberal” thought pattern… ‘you are free to choose… as long as you choose what I think you should choose.’

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    Claymore_5by5  over 13 years ago

    Farrsouth has a good point.

    The 2010 elections revealed this behavior among the “Open-Minded” liberals when multiple female candidates were called bh, we, and a host of other insults as well as being subjected to horrific vitriol from their opponents. And silence was the answer from the National Organization for Women and other “defenders of freedom”.

    The crime of which these women were guilty? They are Conservatives, of course.

    Or, as Alan Grayson demonstrated when he called a lobbyist a “K-Street W*e”, the offender was an “open-Minded” liberal.

    As you look back in time, the Democrat party has a disturbing connection with some of the most intolerant people from US history. Bull Conner, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and so on……..

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    kaystari Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Amen to both of you! And God Bless all women who take the role of motherhood seriously! Women should not be seen as less equal because of this role.

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    raygun7139  almost 12 years ago

    I’m a liberal, but, then, I see anyone, including women, who practice the right to choose their own lives, as being a liberating, or liberal, perspective. To liberate means to achieve freedom. I think there should be a harmonious balance between the two concepts instead of all this accusing, blaming, and constant resistance to anything that resembles a good idea by either party.

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