Chip Bok for October 23, 2009

  1. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 14 years ago

    Really puts your shorts in a knot seeing him head and shoulders above you. Eh ANandy ?

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  2. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 14 years ago

    It was the de-regulating Republicans who broke the economy.

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  3. Missing large
    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    it should read RESUME’

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Totally short-sighted, ignoring all the cards this administration is playing, as opposed to the pair of jokers who created the problems.

    The jokers are now out of the deck, and the puzzle is being worked, but Repbulicons keep trying to kick pieces across the room and out of reach.

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  5. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    “The Republican Controlled Congress helped Clinton Balance the Budget.”


    The Republican controlled congress FORCED A BALANCED BUDGET ON Clinton.

    Then, with Bush, they screwed up and spent as if they were Democrats.

    Now of course, that excessive spending seems almost prudent, in comparison to what the real Democrats are capable of.

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  6. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    I am sometimes incorrect?

    Please, do tell.

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  7. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago

    Ugh, I get so frustrated with some of these comments. For starters, Obama got the Peace Prize for his promise to rid the world of nuclear weapons. Again this is not a new issue to people, but never, and I mean NEVER has there been a US president who while in office said he was looking to fully get rid of nuclear weapons, and who has already made large commitments to disarmament (even though it was the Soviet Union and now Russia who has been calling for total disarmament since the late seventies, but Gorbachev already got his Nobel prize). So please if there is any one who deserves this prize it is Obama.

    Secondly, Obama CANNOT FIX YOUR ECONOMY! You idiots took away all the levers (deregulation) and when it all goes to bleeep, you all sit there and expect him to be able to do something OTHER than spend a big check, which he then can’t use to dictate behaviour, behaviour which explicitly caused the collapse.

    and thirdly, Health Care reform is one of the ONLY things Obama can do to help the economy, other than education. Because if anyone would care to pay attention, it is the health care of americans that not only price out small businesses, but also keep americans so unhealthy that you are less productive. You people need affordable and universal health care if you expect your work force to be able to compete with the rest of the world.

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  8. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago


    You are either sarcastic, or have escaped from a loony house.

    My favorites:

    ” … Obama got the Peace Prize for his promise to rid the world of nuclear weapons.”

    ” … the Soviet Union and now Russia who has been calling for total disarmament since the late seventies … ”

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  9. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 14 years ago

    All this cartoon really says is that Bok doesn’t want health care (or health insurance, if you will) reform. So, what’s new?

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  10. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago


    Russia (as the Soviet Union at the time) felt that it was too expensive to maintain an arsenal of nuclear weaponry and was looking to get rid of it, so it was Russia who (and still is) try to go for disarmament, since they know they can’t ever use them, but still have to spend billions maintaining and protecting it. That was why it fought so hard to remove the missile shield because it was cause for another arms race, one which Russia was not prepared to do, especially a middle eastern arms race (hence why they ramped up their opposition to Iran). And yes, Obama got his Nobel for stepping up peace, of which nuclear disarmament was a massive and overwhelming component. And finally, unless Americans get some proper education and health care, there is little chance of you ever becoming number one of anything other than heart attacks and obesity.

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  11. Missing large
    PlainBill  over 14 years ago

    a.c.d. said “And finally, unless Americans get some proper education and health care, there is little chance of you ever becoming number one of anything other than heart attacks and obesity.”

    Not true!!! We are already #1 in several other categories including Right Wing Nuts and Parrots (who do nothing more than echo the rantings of Limbaugh, Beck, etal)

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  12. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    Who let the slime out?!?

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  13. New bitmap image
    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    I love puzzles!

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