Jeff Danziger for January 15, 2024

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    preacherman Premium Member 5 months ago

    We seem to be getting into a series of mini-wars scattered about the globe. With the use of missiles and drones we’re doing more remote warring. Who knows, maybe someday we may be engaging, like with the Star Trek episode “A Taste of Armageddon”, our computers to wage the war. Hopefully, we can avoid the use of extermination chambers.

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  2. Xf8u 3
    XF8U-3  5 months ago

    Sorry Jeff, the Houthis launching ordnance at shipping in the Red Sea needs a response.

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  3. Killer
    bagholder5150  5 months ago

    Bomb Iran

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    wndflower1  5 months ago


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    GiantShetlandPony  5 months ago

    WWIII started the day Putin invaded Ukraine. It was guaranteed the day Putin gave Hamas the order to commit an atrocious terrorist attack on Israel, knowing Israel’s response would be over the top.

    Putin wants WWIII. Kim in North Korea is crazy enough to jump in with Putin. Xi, is still not sure, but has expansion goals of his own.

    The best way for the USA to get through this is to vote Democratic. Does it mean we will avoid the war? No, but we won’t join the Nazi’s and the world may stand to a better future.

    That said, it is very possible the war will be small, and Putin may put on one last show of force, but if Democrats take large majorities in both house and the presidency, there is a very good chance Putin will back out of Ukraine sooner, and a lot of the other conflicts will fizzle out. Why? because we will have a government they won’t want to fight against.

    With Orange Traitor, or one of his lackey’s in charge and any kind of Republican majority in any, and especially all houses. WWIII will be fought, but the USA will be fighting against it’s strongest allies and not with. It will be a bleak world indeed, should fascism take hold entirely. Whether, one dictator or three dividing it up. Which is funny, about Kim helping Putin, because he isn’t going to get a piece of that pie. He’ll be lucky if he gets a crumb.

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  6. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 5 months ago

    Names and comparisons are invidious. I agree with Radar (or was it Klinger?) on MASH: they called it a police action, but it sure felt like a war.

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  7. Thomas at teretonga 1st march
    DuncanCairncross  5 months ago

    Fighting Pirates is the normal job of ANY navy – right from Roman times

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    tpcox928  5 months ago

    Until the GOP regains sanity and is taken over by moderates who love this country, every election matters, even for county dog catcher. Abraham Lincoln opined that America can only fall from an attack within.

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    LeeGP  5 months ago

    WW2 was basically WW1.5 in Europe anyway since many of Germany’s actions were spurred as reactions to the punitive measures placed against it at the end of the Great War. Asia, not so much.

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