Jack Ohman for December 27, 2023

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    Even the republicans know that lying criminal Trump is a total loser.

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  6 months ago

    I can’t wait to see which state gets to be the first to throw him in jail.

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  3. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  6 months ago

    Not if SCROTUS times it right. Which they seem to be set upon doing. Though their definition of “right” has clearly been distorted by (some of them) being on the take.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    ‘Authoritarian propaganda’: Russian textbook says Trump was cheated out of presidency

    Winston Churchill once said: “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” And history might be kind to former President Donald Trump… if the Russians write it.

    ‘There could be action taken’: Expert says Trump walking ‘fine line’ in Jack Smith attacksTrump’s “go to HELL” post-Christmas wish to special counsel Jack Smith is likely safe free speech as he marches along a thin legal tightrope. “…these particular statements probably fall within the allowable side of things and, certainly not surprising, we all know Trump’s stance on him at this point, but there’s always that opportunity that he could cross that line and there could be action taken,” said former federal prosecutor Katie Cherkasky, appearing on CNN’s “Out Front.”

    Trump’s ‘toxic’ posts are making some Republicans want to ‘turn the page’: GOP analystFormer President Donald Trump’s recent outbursts are a direct message to the Republican electorate that he is the same person he has always been, and ready to pick fights over all the same grievances, GOP strategist Alice Stewart told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Tuesday.This comes after Trump posted a Truth Social manifesto on Christmas that calls on special counsel Jack Smith and the liberal “thugs” across America to “rot in hell.”

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  5. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  6 months ago

    Let hope he so deep in legal troubles he cant do run for prez

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  6. Calvin   hobbes   calvin
    erik.vanthienen  6 months ago

    And then prison, and the dustbin of history.

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  7. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member 6 months ago

    He’s gonna be a busy boy. He’d better stock up on KFC and Depends.

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  8. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  6 months ago

    On a side note, why can’t we have ALL primaries on the same day? I hate this jockeying for position, and then candidates deciding to drop out based on the votes of a couple of tiny states. The primary vote in Iowa or New Hampshire or South Carolina should have zero influence on the vote in any other state.

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  9. Img 0536
    akachman Premium Member 6 months ago

    Nauseating and frightening.

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  10. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 6 months ago

    The 91 criminal indictments are nothing but U.S. justice being weaponized against such a patriotic man … /s. And he’ll repeat that ad nauseous while his MAGAts eat it up.

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  11. Lifi
    rossevrymn  6 months ago

    A democracy is endangered when a people embrace blatant immorality.

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  12. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 6 months ago

    trump’s rhetoric has paralyzed the justice system.. who would have thought this even possible in America of all places. The power of propaganda skillfully applied on display.

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  13. Missing large
    Moore 1  6 months ago

    You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time. But he tries.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    ‘Very senior’ anonymous ex-Trump official deems him ‘lethally incompetent’: book

    A new book by ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl, Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party, “explores how Donald Trump remade the Republican Party in his own image—and the wreckage he’s left in his wake,” according to its summary. Speaking with the veteran journalist Tuesday, MSNBC’s The ReidOut host Joy Reid notes the book includes a quote from a former Trump official, saying, “He lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring. He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs. He is a traitor and a malignancy in our nation and represents a clear and present danger to our democracy and the rule of law.”

    The leader of the totally corrupt republican party.

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  15. Frank
    Frankfreak  6 months ago

    When tRump loses in 2024, his campaign for President in 2028 starts.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 6 months ago

    Ideally, tRumpy exits the GQP convention June 18 as the official Party candidate. Between then and Election Day, either new revelations of tRumpy misdeeds while as President or during pre/post Presidential periods of his skanky life surface, or a guilty verdict in one of his court cases is issued.

    This results in tRumpy becoming too toxic for independent know-nothings and maybe a ferven tRumpy believer or two even realizes what anti-democratic authoritarian scum he is. And it is too late for Haley to gain sufficient support to challenge whomever heads the Democratic ticket.

    Optimum-optimum: enough voters (especially in swing states) who mark either D or R down ballot based solely upon the party their Presidential vote is cast for (because they don’t have much of a clue, if any, about the relationship between Executive and Legislative — or Judicial, for that matter) vote for Democratic Party Congresscritters that a Democratic President enjoys at least two years of majorities in both houses of Congress.

    I don’t believe in miracles, however, and that is what may be necessary to have a D Senate majority in 2024.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 6 months ago

    Hands drawn to scale. Well done. I’ve been told drawing hands is tough for artists.

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  18. Img 1006
    Glib Sporgen  6 months ago

    An absolute A$$.

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