ViewsEurope by Cartoon Movement-US for November 06, 2023

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  7 months ago

    The careful watching of the West, as should they be, for now. With a World War only a step or two away, our leaders MUST be extremely careful, unlike those of 1914.

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    Pogostiks Premium Member 7 months ago

    The really silent enablers are the Media: like the BBC, the CBC issued a directive after Hamas’ massacre in Israel mandating all journalists to use the term “militants” instead of “terrorists” for the Hamas perpetrators!! George Orwell would recognize what is happening. Journalists interview pro- Palestinians who continually use key words such as “genocide”, “occupiers” and “apartheid” without a single person challenging their usage! To wit:Hamas’ Charter calls specifically for the genocide of Israe and all all Jews everywhere PLUS “infidels” – hwile journalists remain mute;

    The word “Jew” comes from the Bibilical location of Judea. Its capital, Jerusalem, throughout history has almost always had more Jews than Arabs,is mentioned hundreds of times in the Old Testament but not once in the Coran, and was always the capital for Jews for centuries but never for the Arabs until the 1960’s. If anyone is an “occupier” then it is the so-called “Palestinians”. (The word “Palestine” was coined by the ancient Romans to end the link of the area belonging to the Jews (Judea)… and originally was a term which in fact meant “the Jews”, because that is who was living there! 1200 years later, the term was finally used to mean Arabs in Palestine – starting in the 1960’s. Lastly, in South Africa’s apartheid , Blacks were kept entirely separate for all intents and purposes. Buses, restaurants, schools – utter segregation. Impossible to imagine Blacks as members of parliamernt or the Senate, or even having a even having a political party. So the term “Israeli apartheid” is a total lie, and its constant repetition is simply a propaganda tactic where the more a lie is repeated, the quicker it is believed. Why are journalists remaining mute about all this?

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