Bill Bramhall for October 18, 2023

  1. Missing large
    olddude1953  8 months ago

    There are a couple of relatively neutral news sources on Israel vs Palestine, but they’re not easy to find and they do not paint a “nice” picture of either side.

    Which is why I refuse to support either. They’ve both committed too many wrongs. It’s a pity the news in the US doesn’t reflect the day to day happenings in that region rather than the occasional spectacular outbreak.

    Israel’s policy is to keep up a constant unrelenting pressure against Palestine at a level low enough that it doesn’t make the US news, while the inevitable reactions DO make the news. This colors US perceptions considerably.

    It’s all a grand propaganda game.

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    guyjen2004 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Hamas blames Israel for a ricket hitting a hospital in Gaza, the US media seemed eager to run with that based on nothing but Hamas’s claim. Biden even bought it, but that doesn’t surprise me. But within hours it was clear that the rocket was fired from within Gaza. Was it just one of many of their junky rockets falling short of killing Jews, or was it a purposeful strike to garner sympathy for Gaza and generate disdain for Israel? That’s bit far-fetched, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility. Hamas has little regard for Palestinian lives – They are necessary collateral in the war to wipe Israel and all Jews from the face of the earth.

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    djtenltd  8 months ago

    It’s a doggone shame that all this has to fall on Biden’s shoulders!

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