Joe Heller for August 30, 2023

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    cmxx  9 months ago

    People who thought Covid was gone haven’t been paying attention to facts. They’ve made up their own.

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  2. Xf8u 3
    XF8U-3  9 months ago

    I got it in CLT while travelling. A couple friends did not believe it was Covid. Why yes, they are righties…

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    Northgalus2002  9 months ago

    Covid hasn’t gone away, it has become endemic (i.e. part of the atmosphere like our “old friends” the Flu and the Common Cold). And that we should rename “Cold and Flu season” (Oct. through March) “Cold, Flu and Covid Season”. And we should get our latest boosters around the same time we get our annual flu shots. If you’re at greater risk of getting seriously ill from Covid (i.e. if you’re asthmatic, immunocompromised, etc.) by all means take steps to protect yourself. And see what you can do to help your elderly friends, neighbors and family members. After the Spanish Flu pandemics of 1918-20, that particular flu virus was the dominant flu strain for the next 40 years and we had varying waves of flu severity during that time. We might be seeing that with Covid, unless scientists come up with an effective cure for Covid or the virus mutates into extinction (that is, it damages the mechanism that gives it the ability to replicate meaning it dies off quickly).

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