Pedro X. Molina for July 15, 2022

  1. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  almost 2 years ago

    The sheik has two right hands. He’s about to shake hands with a right hand on a left arm.

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    knutdl  almost 2 years ago

    Jamal Khashoggi’s remains were discovered in the garden of the Saudi consul general’s Istanbul home – located around 500 metres away from the consulate. Mohammed bin Salman has blood on his hands. In Yemen, the number of children killed or injured continues to increase. Please talk about that mr. Biden (and oil).

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 2 years ago

    Why does everyone forget that the crime happened not only under Trump’s watch, but Jared received a lucrative job from the Saudi prince to manage 12 billion dollars for 100 million a year paycheck. Hmmm, wonder who has blood money?

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    mourdac Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Saudi Arabia is a U.S. bulwark against Iran so any actions of theirs are acceptable … /s

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    mxy  almost 2 years ago

    Every US president has go over there and suck it. Joe’s no different. It’s the price of dependency.

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    rlaker22j  almost 2 years ago

    what’s the difference between killing a journalist and blowing up a general with a rocket

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    lonecat  almost 2 years ago

    I was glad that Biden beat Trump, and I haven’t changed that opinion, but at the time I said there would be times when I would disagree with Biden. This is one of those times. Disagree isn’t strong enough. I condemn Biden’s sucking up to MBS. It’s just disgraceful.

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    Rich Douglas  almost 2 years ago

    Biden did it! It’s Joe’s fault! The fact that the Trumps were in bed with the Saudis—and still are—seems to be no big deal. But Biden knows you have to deal with power where it lies, and a lot of it lies with the Saudis.

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