Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for May 31, 2022

  1. 350px gold star service banner.svg
    Dkram  about 2 years ago

    Hello Vagabonds

    Partly cloudy 67 degrees at the old thermometer and that will also be about the high for today, generally overcast with chance of showers. (^.^)

    Although there was no parade yesterday the church still put on it’s Memorial Day dinner. I came away feeling like a bird ready for Thanksgiving. (^.^)

    We got out to Greensboro yesterday to check the grandparents lot (dad’s side) then took a tour of the back roads on the way home. We even took a class 4 road, that being a barely passable byway, not even a mile long. Fun time with a Jeep.

    With the holiday over it’s back to the same old, same old.

    May your day be pleasant and God be with you.


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  2. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  about 2 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Lots of excitement this morning. Michael & I went over to one of the other buildings and sprayed those wasps nests thoroughly. Then I went to the clubhouse to put the rest of the spray away. The workmen who had been repairing the drywall inside the closet at the clubhouse had knocked the closet door to the floor and never picked it up. It has boot prints all over it and the door is now badly cracked at the top. Bad enough that it is not repairable. So I went back with my phone to take pictures and send them to the board and while I was there I got “caught” by our most talkative and obsessive homeowner. A planned 3 minute trip turned into 45, including photos and texts about the overflowing spa jets. I barely had time to get home and log on here before I leave for prayer group!

    Yesterday was a lovely day. We were able to keep the doors open all day. Mike came over and we watched a couple of movies (The Longest Day and The Finest Hour about a particularly spectacular Coast Guard rescue mission). BBQ burgers & dogs for dinner along with that salad. All in all a nice day.

    Today’s forecast is for 87, so we could probably keep the doors open again, at least for a little while.

    Everyone have a safe and blessed day.

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