ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for November 24, 2021

  1. 92131731 10214180593663282 3751105281048707072 n
    B 8671  over 2 years ago

    It is sad that this is The reality of Christmas nowadays. With rittenhouse murdering those people, Darrell Edward Brooks Jr ramming that parade and the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, at least the jury got that one right, these have become depressing times for people, especially children during the holidays and it should be the other way around. It’s sad. Goodnight and Good luck.

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    calliarcale  over 2 years ago

    HO. HO. HO.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    GOP Fights COVID Mandates, Then Blames Biden as Cases Rise

    As of mid-September, 90% of adult Democrats had been vaccinated, compared with 58% of adult Republicans.

    Yet McCarthy, the House Republican leader, pressed his point: “I took President Biden at his word; I took him at his word when he said he was going to get COVID under control,” he declared in the dead of night. “Unfortunately, more Americans have died this year than last year under COVID.”

    As cases surge once again in some parts of the country, Republicans have hit on a new line of attack: The president has failed on a central campaign promise — to tame the pandemic that his predecessor systematically downplayed. Democrats are incredulous, dismissing the strategy as another strand of spaghetti thrown at the wall.

    Mentally ill republicans are dying to make Biden look bad. One hopes they run out of voters.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    @Rad-ish makes a very good point, above. The republicans whine that Biden’s not doing enough for America while actively obstructing any and all efforts to get anything done politically in America. It seems that in their twisted minds, they really believe they can have it both ways.

    This, better than anything else, shows that the whole of the G.O.P. is mentally deficient. If, at this point, you have any belief left that the republicans could EVER produce any kind of effective governing body, then you too can be determined to be mentally deficient!

    Even at the state level, republicans seem dedicated to planning how to engineer their state’s voting mechanisms so that not only those they deem unworthy of the vote will be blocked from voting, but God forbid a democrat being elected, they are placing mechanisms in place to nullify and reverse such an unfortunate outcome. There may be some hope at the local level that Trump hasn’t irrevocably corrupted the party, but there’s little hope that any position above dog catcher has not been corrupted!

    On a very visceral level, republicans understand they cannot win a free and fair election with the wingnuts and nut jobs they have running so they’re restructuring the race so that they CAN win -forever.

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    DrHawkeye  over 2 years ago

    You are really sick!

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