Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for September 24, 2021

  1. Celtic knot
    Dkram  over 2 years ago

    A grand good morning Vagabonds

    We are expecting rain this morning, my sister told me our thermometer was reading 69 going up to a high of 71. OK, the eves are dripping. Well, Quack, Quack.

    The nephew is headed for the weed shop down yonder in South Burlington and will stay over with friends and be back tomorrow or Sunday. And of course I’ll have the house all to myself after he leaves. (^.^)

    May God be with you as you enjoy the day.


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  2. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 2 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    I made it before noon! Not much before, but still before.

    We finished installing the doorbell yesterday. The weather stayed pretty nice – hot in the sunshine but “very warm” in the shade. So we went out about 3:30 and had it finished by 4:00, including putting away the tools and cleaning up the mess in the spare room where we “staged” the installation. And it works! We don’t get alerts when the cars drive by and we do get alerts when someone actually comes to the door.

    Sometimes we get a real sense of accomplishment just by finishing a task. So many things get started, but get paused before they are done. For instance, putting up the spoons on the spoon racks. Of course we have an excuse, it’s too hot to spend too much time in the storage unit. Mike & I have agreed that we will move his stuff and hunt for the spoons when the daytime temps get below 80.

    I’ve been watching “Through the Decades” on the “Decades” network most afternoons. They do stories about things that happened or started or finished on that day in history. They have covered everything from Benedict Arnold’s plot to give West Point to the British to Lindberg’s flight to the birth and rise of Nintendo to some of Charles Kerault’s old “On the Road” segments. They highlight one particular person whose birthday falls on that day and spend about 10 minutes on a “profile” of that person. Yesterday was Ray Charles and today’s will be Jim Henson. Most of it is very interesting, but then I love (accurate) history.

    Our temps are pretty much staying in the 90’s. Yesterday got up to 99 and today’s forecast is for 95. I know that seems high, but for us it is blessed relief from the triple digits.

    Everyone have a safe and blessed day.

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