ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for December 16, 2020

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    casonia2  over 3 years ago

    Make donations to Warnock and Ossoff’s campaigns, please, if you can.

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    If Republicans lose the Senate the world might be saved.

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    melangley Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I have been a subscriber for more than 10 years. I have always appreciated the “ViewsAmerica” feature to get insight into how we are seen from outside the American media bubble.

    Your own description states ““ViewsAmerica,” represents various artists providing news stories and personalities through political and humor cartoons, caricatures, and graphics.” It doen’t any more.

    Looking at October, nearly 50% of the cartoons were by these same artists: Feggo and Kaufman. The frequency in which they appear in what has historically been a showcase of variety and global perspectives makes me wonder if maybe they are the children of one of your editors. Or if they just paid you a pile of money to feature them.

    I love any chance to satirize and illustrate the moral vacuousness of this administration, but in addition to the fact they are repeatedly featured, the comics themselves are repetitive, simplistic boring, and intellectually juvenile, lacking any kind of cleverness or nuance. This comic belongs in a high school newspaper, and that may not be fair to high school papers. I have seen more insightful writing from my middle-schooler. It is that bad. And it shows up almost every couple of days.

    In an ocean of cartoonists, why are these writers featured? In the entire world aren’t there more intelligent, insightful voices and artists to feature?

    Please. Look at your own description and history of “ViewAmerica.” Do better.

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