Lisa Benson for April 20, 2011

  1. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Return the top rate to 90%

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    wolfhoundblues1  about 13 years ago

    Enact the Fair Tax

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  3. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  about 13 years ago

    Cut spending by 30%. Require every US citizen to pay SOME income tax.

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    ianrey  about 13 years ago

    Cut spending by 2 unnecessary wars. Require every corporation that profits by working in the US to pay SOME income tax.

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    beenthere41  about 13 years ago

    If a company loses money in its business on the US, but earns money by its business in Japan or Germany, must it still pay taxes in the US? Current law says “No”.

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    DjGuardian  about 13 years ago

    Okay… it’s the Obama Shrugged thing that makes it funny. Otherwise it’s just eh.

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    oneoldhat  about 13 years ago

    tax clark kent and ca brobst at 99%

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  8. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 13 years ago

    Above debt, it should read “Tax cuts for the rich”.

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    DjGuardian  about 13 years ago

    And Clark Kent… and how do you expect to have a successful, virulent and vibrant country exactly? And I’m ignoring the military points altogether… that’s whatever. I would say assume that’s fine… I’m solely talking about your taxing, your setting wealth ceilings, etc.?

    Just as a point of logic. Let’s say there is a brilliant businessman who grows to employ 100,000+ employees and obtains a very nice wealth and a successful and productive business that also does a lot of good… let’s say it happens to provide all the technical know-how for all your computers, phones, green tech, cars, medical devices, etc., among many other functions. Furthermore this person and this company and many members of this company donate tens of millions of dollars and thousands of hours of volunteer time to a litany of charities…

    But now you institute a wealth ceiling and ballooning taxes. What’s the chances, do you think, that that individual and his business will leave this country and go to another that has no such ceiling and/or excessive tax rates, compared to staying here, paying the excessive tax rates and being forced to not accumulate any more than a set amount of money? Then explain how that equates to the definition of freedom, too (just saying).

    Let me give you a hint. When a superstar athlete is playing for a team, and he really, really likes it and does tons of good in the community… but then he’s only able to make a limited amount of money because that’s all the club can offer… and another club offers a considerable larger amount because his increasing talent warrants it… what do you think that athlete does? Carl Crawford comes to mind as does LeBron James among many others.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    Kudos to Lisa….Again! brilliant…and very true.

    (Obama isn’t paying 90% IRS rate!!!) (send Brobst to Cuba, or North Korea….governments designed to delight his heart!)

    Cut spending 30% or whatever, to get all spending….on budget and off budget….to total no more than IRS revenue for the previous year’s total.

    I just (at age 78) mailed a large balance due on last year’s income to IRS….plus my 1st estimated payment….so I am not in a good mood about the federal government or D.C. spenders’ Spree.

    I am not happy that 45% or more returns do not pay any IRS tax, and in fact some have a “credit” and receive fat checks from the US Treasury!

    2008=top 1% payers ($380,354 income, plus) paid 38% of taxes collected. top 50% taxpayrs ($33,048 income, plus) paid 97.3% taxes collected.

    bottom 50% (under $33,048 income) paid 2.7% of taxes collected.

    can’t you socialists see what is wrong with that picture? can’t you see that you are merely greedy robbers to want higher tax rates on those you call “rich”? Legalizing Theft doesn’t make it right or moral…..

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    Bush left the fed debt at $10.6 trillion but Friday April 15, 2011, Treasury said the debt total is now $14.3 trillion……that is after Obama/Dems spending in 2009 and 2010 and 3.5 months in calendar year 2011…. adding $3.7 trillion debt in 27.5 months!!!!

    and DjG…those kids underneath the Atlas Shrugged Globe (USA part) are my grandkids and great-grandkids!!! not “eh” to me!!!

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    Wraithkin  about 13 years ago

    Kent, every argument you made is pure idiocy. Come back to reality and we can talk. The sum of your points is to have a socialist country that is willing to be invaded by another country. An Idiot Dove, in other words.

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  13. Gray wolf
    worldisacomic  about 13 years ago

    Confiscate clark and brobst’s computers so that the budget debate can improve 100%!

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  14. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  about 13 years ago

    Well, if the socialists ever did get their 90% tax rate back (which was so full of loopholes, nobody actually paid it), I’m just curious what their next “argument” would be when they still found themselves chronically broke from their “stimulus” overspending, multiple wars and unrealistic programs. Would they then be screaming for a 109% tax rate?

    You’d almost think that having the clueless running the economy was a George Soros sponsored plot. The Ayn Rand analogy is eerily on the horizon.

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    DjGuardian  about 13 years ago

    Actually, disgusted… knowing those actually in Greece, I think Brobst would enjoy that environment far more than Cuba or N Korea. It’s not that it’s worse… far from it in fact.

    Just, with my limited amount to derive information from, I think from what I’ve gleaned about Brobst he’d be happier in an environment where most everything is provided for you, retirement is very early though the work is hard and unrewarding up until then, there is great pride in strength, there is a certain air of entitlement, and a complete disdain for capitalism. And everyone I know just complains about how horrible it is there and how hard life is and how much more they should be given and how even more horrible everyone else is and that they in Greece still have it better than us.

    Well, that is except for the Greek Ambassador and his two daughters I met while they were in the states who feel quite differently about life there compared to here.

    I found it funny the first time when I tried to have a battle for who’s life was more difficult. It spurned from the fact he was working and was playing a game online the whole time and not actually doing any business (because no one was coming to him). He complained about the poor tech available and his limit of tools and such. But he bragged about his gov’t provided home, job, retirement when it comes and free highspeed internet.

    But I was owned really quickly when he couldn’t obtain something that I was going to be able to get in 5 min at a local grocery store for a couple bucks. I learned a lot that the Ambassador’s daughters didn’t or wouldn’t tell me about… or that I couldn’t understand at the time. But I digress.

    But Brobst would probably feel more at home there, I’m thinking.

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    DjGuardian  about 13 years ago

    And fair enough disgusted… the “eh” was more along the lines of… nothing new or special in the toon… meaning it would just be an average toon. The concept is fair and accurate, but far from new. Just like the first couple sleeping control tower workers or SW topless planes were good toons, but after that you have to get real creative and funny to replicate the same old joke/point in a new toon.

    And actually, it would be your grand kid’s kids and their kids and…

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 13 years ago

    Is there something from Freud that her “debt” happens to represent a cannonball? The real major source of our debt.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 13 years ago

    <!– Insert statement here –>

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  19. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 13 years ago

    The outlook is not good.

    Refuse to raise the debt limit THIS YEAR. No 10-year plans. Do something now that is real. Real cuts, real responsibility.

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  20. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 13 years ago

    She forgot to draw Paul Ryan piling another ball on top…

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