ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for April 11, 2011

  1. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Just the times changing, as usual.

    Dictators can’t last forever. They may die in power, their sons may take their place, but their dynasty can’t last forever.

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  2. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    At the end ,when all the Arabs unit and become one strong nation that won’t be in Israel’s intrest..

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  3. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    No,this would be the seed for the Islamic unity to which the Persians are invited.

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  4. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 13 years ago

    Oh Puh-LEEZE. Even Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn couldn’t bring the Shi’ites and Sunnis together.

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  5. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    Shi’ites and Sunnis have some common ground :the holy Quran and both sides believe in the end the majority rules..

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  6. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    the main “unity” of Shiia and Sunni is their everlasting hatred of Jews and Israel….a nation some Arab/Muslim governments deny exists and never show on a map…

    p.s. just curious….which “dictator” is pictured in the cartoon above?

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  7. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    “seek and ye shall find”….this cartoon is Syrian president Bashar Assad…..the article mentions the Facebook page “The Syrian Revolution 2011” with more than 100,000 “fans”…4/18/11 ….

    “…more than 40 years in power”….the Assad dynasty….”regime”…..according to Syrian jihadist cleric al-Tartusi.

    “Last Friday Syrian human rights activists told the NYTimes they believed the death toll since the start of the unrest had reached at least 173 people….”

    Interestingly, the Bible (Isaiah 17:1) says “the burden of Damascus, behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”

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  8. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    Unity is meant to defend ourselves ..I don’t think God is against that if He is fair.

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  9. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    the Muslims do not worship the God of the Jewish Bible. Many Jews do not yet know that Jesus (greek ) or (hebrew) Yeshua the Messiah is the Saviour who died on the crucifix to make the required blood sacrifice for atonement (forgiveness) of mankind’s sins, who went back to Heaven from where He came to be God’s Lamb of the Final Passover sacrifice, and is Coming Back to Jerusalem to establish God’s Kingdom over all Earth and David’s Throne and the Temple restored, for 1,000 years as scripture recorded God’s Promise.

    Muslims do not accept that God has a Son or that Yeshua died and was resurrected from the grave, conquering Death. Scripture also promises that without faith in Yeshua there is no possibility of salvation for eternal life with God.

    NOT the same religion, SenorB…I am quoting Bible…..whose God died for mankind, and who does not require humans to die for Him….as Muslims are taught to do by suicide/murder, which the Bible God calls “SIN”……and is disobedience to the Bible God.

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  10. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 13 years ago

    ^^ Peace in the afterlife…peace in the afterlife…Pie in the sky when you die…

    But it seems like with that idea of God, peace is simply impossible right here, right now, on Earth.

    Same with islamic integrism; Earth and the present (the only things we’re absolutely sure to have) is being sacrificed for an hypothetical afterlife.

    If only it was just a few individuals saying no to life for afterlife, but they encourage, manipulate and coerce whole countries and whole generations to do the same.

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  11. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    I don’t like to raise religious arguements, but I’d like to clear the concept of God in Islam.

    Muslims believe in the allmighty God and the creator of the universe,a God who has real powers and a free will -a God who can forgive all the sins if He wants to because He is merciful.He doesn’t need to watch his son being killed and humilated by worthless people to grant forgiveness to us because of a sin commited by someone we don’t know ,we have only our sins to seek forgivness for .Our God is ONE with no children or partners and Jesus is a human being (a prophet to mankind).

    I personally prefer the strong God..

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  12. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    it might be more pleasant to dialogue with fennec and senorbull if they would read, then carefully study the Bible. It is a more accurate opinion/belief when you use language concordances and dictionaries that rely on literal interpretaton of scriptures.

    the Bible God is “triune”…God the “Father” and God the “Son” and God the “Holy Spirit” who are ONE GOD. Bible clearly divided God’s promises to Abraham’s first 2 sons…..Ishmael was Egyptian and Sarah’s idea….by servant Hagar……not God’s choice for His promise for the Chosen People, the nation of Israel, planned by God to descend from Abraham via Isaac, Jacob (not twin Esau).

    especially read John’s book explaining that Jesus (“Immanuel–God with us”) was a miracle VIRGIN BIRTH by Holy Spirit apart from sensuality….spiritually…born of the Virgin Mary…..and was the Heavenly Son leaving His diety attributes in Heaven to be made a human body, born as every man has been born into this world since Adam’s sons. “A body thou hast prepared for Me”….so that he as a SINLESS Man could atone for sin on the Roman crucifix…. God’s death for Mankind……effective when individuals put Faith in Jesus the Saviour and God’s one and only Saviour.

    1 John 5:1–13….”he that has the Son has life; and he that has not the Son of God has not life….”

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  13. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    How can 1+1+1=1 ? Even Jesus himself didn’t call himself a God or ask people to worship him.. Why didn’t the old testament mention this trinity? or did it come suddenly? It is also strange that the four books of the new testament didn’t mention trinity at all ..even Jesus himself didn’t mention it or talk about it..was it that insignificant??

    This is also for you to think..

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  14. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 13 years ago

    All religions are fairy tales, grow up people.

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  15. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Palestino and Taxpayer; what you said about your respetive religions, I already learned in university. I don’t buy into other people’s condescending atheitsic preaching either.

    What I really want to know is; Why do you guys have to kill each other over it? Where did God tell you that?

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  16. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I totally agree with fennec; whatever God is, he’s not the monster fundies pray to.

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  17. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 13 years ago

    “I don’t believe that man has evolved enough to understand his place in the universe. It’s like trying to explain the world to an ant. ”

    Exactly. So we, stupid humans, don’t know if there a supreme being in the universe or if there isn’t.

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  18. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    I am not “killing” anyone. I don’t “hate” people….I do hate false religions and any Lie that denies Bible Scripture.

    I quote scripture….I don’t invent false fairy tales….I accept Bible as Truth.

    the Bible God is triune, from Genesis creation verses….”we”…study the Hebrew words used….all the way through 66 books….to Revelation. If God’s trinity could be explained in human limited understanding, then obviously God would be a human imagination made-up person….

    God’s “evidence” is seen in every created thing…from the universe to our galaxy and the star-filled cosmos. In the earth and the system of nature…land, sea, weather….in the millions of separate animals and different plants….in the movement of sun, moon and earth….at exact distances so earthlings do not burn or freeze…God’s fingerprints are all over His creation.

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  19. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    Don’t forget that Paul (original name Sha’ul in Hebrew )was an enemy of the early christians who harmed and tortured them for most of his life,suddenly he changed his mind and invented a false story about seenig Jesus after forty years of his death,then writing a Bible about events that he never witnessed..

    “By their deeds, you shall know them.”Matthew 7:16

    Unfortunatly,this contraversial figure was responsible for the Trinity doctrine in Christianity which ruined it from withen.

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  20. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    an honest and careful study of the Bible’s 66 canon books from Genesis to Revelation proves that the Old Testament agrees with the New Testament by comparison of texts.

    God exists, from everlasting and will exist throughout everlasting time…..God was not “created”….God is total Holiness, total Power, and Total loving of His creation.

    God set standard for “right” versus “wrong” and God calls the “wrong” both evil and sinful. God is Holy and without sin…..He does not violate His own standard. God provided His sinless Son to “cover” mankind’s sins by the shedding of Jesus’ Holy and Righteous blood on the crucifix in 33 A.D. our counting of the calendar. Jesus, being God the Son, died for us, was buried and was Resurrected in His eternal body to prove He conquered Death. God in His essence is Spirit, but for our sakes God the Son took on our human body-form. That is Holy Love and is freely offered to all humans who believe the Word of God given to teach us how to be forgiven sins so we can be resurrected also, to everlasting life with God.

    If you despise God’s Word, you also despise your own eternity…..without God, the only alternative is to be alive forever with Satan and the evil angels who chose to War against their Maker…..the Bible calls it “the Lake of Fire”….

    “Neither is there salvation in any other” (than Jesus, the Christ) “for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

    (if you think God cannot show Himself and talk to and teach a living human such as the Jewish scholar Saul, and convert him to Gospel Preacher Paul, you lack any understanding whatsoever of the power of God)

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  21. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    ^ “an honest and careful study of the Bible’s 66 canon books from Genesis to Revelation proves that the Old Testament agrees with the New Testament by comparison of texts.’

    I have never met or seen in my life a single jew that belives in trinity or the three gods in one theory..

    and how can a “total powered” God “cover mankind’s sins” and from who?Is there some more powerful God in the universe?

    And how can you call Jesus’s adventure a sacrifice when he knew in advance that he is going to be alive again in no time(3 days)?He didn’t lose a thing and He can do it millions of times if He wants to .

    I just want you to answer this question straight :

    Who was first the Father or the Son?

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  22. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    1.”never seen a single Jew that believes in God’s “trinity”? You seem to have missed a large and growing number of “Messianic Jews” in Israel and in America and around the world…!! How can anyone ignore all of them….? Many Messianic ministries have been busy evangelizing for decades!

    2.Pal….God’s Holiness demands that accepting the presence of sinful humans in the Family of God, requires the “covering” of those sins. No sinful human could cover SINS because of inborn sinfulness. That is why it was necessary for God the Son to take on human form as God/Man in the virgin birth from a human mother who was asked and agreed and was informed and who called her newborn “God-child” her “Saviour and her God”….

    There is no other God in existence. Any so-called “god” is false and invented by Satan, the enemy of God, using sinful humans who also choose to be enemies of God.

    Jesus’ sacrifice was “Once for all time” and will not be repeated. Knowing He would be raised from the dead after 3 days did not prevent Jesus’ suffering and dying experience. Jesus’ had all of Satan and Hell beating up on Him and persecuting Him from the time he was born….King Herod tried to slaughter Him by killing all children up to age 2 in Bethlehem when the Magi Persian astronomers informed the King that the prophesied newborn King of the Jews had been born, testified by the new Star they saw and followed to come worship the baby.

    There never was a “first” in God’s existence….He was not “created” and had no beginning….God was and is and always will be.

    When the Resurrected Jesus returns from heaven as promised, He will come as Conquerer and put the world army “out of business” at Armageddon….Revelation chapter 19. He alone will do it by the same Word of God that created the universe, earth and Man. Then King Jesus will set up a millennium Kingdom on earth with Jewish Jerusalem as capitol. No false religion will be allowed in that Kingdom to come.

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  23. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    1) I checked the wikipedia and found out that Messianic Judaism is Not considered a Jewish but a Christian sect. “Jewish organizations and religious movements reject this, stating that Messianic Judaism is a Christian sect.”

    2)What do you mean by the word “covering” of sins? do you mean forgiving or putting them in a place where nobody can see them?

    3)How is it like to be in a God/ human position? Does that human eat and drink? and what happens to that food after digestion?And please tell me weather the process of HIS birth included comming out of a female virgina?how can we worship a God shown in that image?

    4) Since there were no first or second, how can a son exist at the same time with his father? are they equals?If so why can’t we call them brothers (or twin brothers ) which is better to discribe this relationship?

     •  Reply
  24. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    1.Sin is not the “knowledge of good and evil”….Sin is disobedience to God’s commandments. The entire Bible is our “Manual” to teach us about good and evil and sin and salvation. God does not want “ignorant” children in His adopted family.

    2.God required that our sins be “covered” so that He, God, would not see our sins when He looks at us. God promised that our Faith and Trust in His one and only Saviour, Jesus the Christ, and His sacrificial death and shed blood, would give us forgiveness of all our sins….plus God also promised to “forget” our forgiven sins. Jesus’ shed blood (“without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin”) was God’s GIFT of Love offered to all mankind….effective only to “whosoever” receives God’s gift of salvation.

    3.Jesus’ the sinless Son of God also gives His Righteousness to all who believe and receive God’s salvation….in Heaven we are to be given White Robes to show Jesus’ Holy Righteousness is ours by God’s mercy.

    Finally, #4= Hell is the current “holding cell” for lost sinners. The Bible says that Hell was designed for Satan and the Evil angels but that unrepentant sinners would share Hell….from Hell to the Great White Throne judgment and then Hell and Satan’s crowd and lost sinners are all put into the Lake of Fire…the permanent prison, as Revelation says.

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  25. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    Wow ! Lots of typing and lots of contradictions..

    See ,I don’t like you to be angry with me because we respect Jesus and his mother Mary a lot. The Palestinians were mostly christians before becoming muslims about 660 AD.. At least you tried to answer my questions directly and that’s a good start.

    You said that Jesus was made by God’s “own hands, and was the first thing that God made.”and that means:

    1.He was made =created 2.He has a starting point. and you know that these qualities doesn’t apply to a” God”

    Then you said the same thing about the Arch Angel Micheal which God made =created, and was the second thing that God “only made”,and it’s the third in presence in the universe and that generates a lot of questions like: 1.Can God create without his “tool”? 2.Why should a God use a tool when He didn’t at first when He created His son Jesus ?

    Does this “tool” spare effort for God?Does God have problems or gets tired when He creats? .How come this”tool” become a God itself?Is it so easy to become a God? What would happen if it “the tool God” quarrels or disagrees with the other Gods ? Or does it obey the other Gods? if so, how can a God be obedient?Can it generate other “tool” gods? And most importantly, are the Gods equals?

    I’ll leave the other points of your post for a while because I know that you hate typing like me..

    with love.

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  26. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    Palestino….those “teachers” are like blind men trying to describe an elephant by a few touches on parts they can reach…..and 99% imagination.

    Read the Bible…..that is what I did….let the printed Word of God be your teacher.

    At the first Jewish Pentecost after the resurrection and return of Jesus to His home in heaven…..God sent the Holy Spirit to spiritually “baptize” (immerse) the believers in the Spirit who then was given by the Father to each believer to live in his/her human “heart” to be God’s Seal to keep us safe in God’s care

    …..soon The Holy Spirit will “resurrect” the Church Age believers and take us all to Heaven…..then on earth the Holy Spirit will act as He did in the Old Testament times….and an Evangelical Jewish group beginning with 144,000 believing Jews will be sealed and protected by the Holy Spirit during the coming 7 years of Tribulation in the days of the Revelation Beast….the final Antichrist…..the one-world leader all unbelievers will trust rather than the true God. World events are shaping the nations and leaders for the Tribulation woes….including the current revolution in the nations in the Mideast…..

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  27. Pales
    Palestino  about 13 years ago

    Yes, I agree with you DrCanuck.. Human hands interfered with the Bible,and that is why we have this mess ..

    Still, God provided man with “brain” to choose and find the straight way to God..Can a perfect God be illusive and illogical ?

    I ,personally, think not.

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  28. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  about 13 years ago

    Palestino said, 2 days ago 1) I checked the wikipedia and found out that Messianic Judaism is Not considered a Jewish but a Christian sect. “Jewish organizations and religious movements reject this, stating that Messianic Judaism is a Christian sect.”

    my reply is that what unbelievers’ “considered opinion” is, in this case, “Messianic Judaism is a Christian sect”, is not relevant to what is the truth.

    Messianics worship in synagogues, and are free to follow most Jewish customs (except Yeshua Messiah fulfilled the Mosaic Law and God’s plan is now “Grace, not Law”…. no human could ever 100% obey all the Law and to break it in one commandment breaks the whole Law.)

    This is Passover season….already observed for 2011, and many Jews doing the Seder do not seem to see the significance of the unleavened bread (Matzot) (three used) and the “middle” loaf or third part of one loaf is hidden in a napkin or special 3-compartment bag….the Afikomen….at the end of the Seder the hidden Matzo (bread) is found and broken so that each person eats a part of it.

    Messianic Rabbi Bernis says “Believers in Yeshua see a profound picture of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The middle matzah, being the Son–or Yeshua, whose body was “broken” for us, and afflicted—bruised, though without sin sin (leaven)—He was pierced, like the matzah and striped (lashed) and bruised. His body was wrapped for burial as we wrap our ‘Afikomen’…”

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