Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for August 11, 2020

  1. 155338754 4112568248753445 1081977566033269086 n
    Dkram  almost 4 years ago

    Well, how do you do Vagabonds

    A hot one on it’s way today. Clear and sunny (can you have one without the other?) (at night?) (^.^) A few afternoon clouds, maybe a few scattered showers, T-storms. High here 85, Burlington is expecting 90s today, dew points in the 60s. :-P A heat advisory in the valleys.

    We vote today, the field of candidates gets reduced to an annoying few. Some political mushrooms will disappear others will pop up. Oh, will this election ever be over!?

    In other news, what other news. (^.^)Have a wonerful day and may God bless.


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  2. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 4 years ago

    Howdy Doody Dkram and Vagabond friends…

    The Florida primary day is 8/18, but I have already voted by mail – my first time absentee or by mail, as I like to go the polling place on the election day during normal times (no early vote or no by-mail vote for me during normal times). But these are not normal times.

    BTW, the Rex Morgan, MD, comic strip is just now (past couple days) seguing into a COVID-19 story. I have mixed feelings about this, as the comics are a form of “escape.” However, this strip has always been socially responsible…so good for Dr. Rex.

    —Florchi in Florida, USA, where the Overall Percent Positive (positivity percentage) is 13.36% (14.35% in my county).

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  3. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 4 years ago

    BENITIN & ENEAS: A joke is needed today. And there’s a joke in panel 3 (of 5).

    Benitin: I want you to come I have a new act and I want you to see it

    So her father’s business is on the rocks, what does she do?

    JOKE: Build lighthouses!

    Benitin: It’s just an act of ventriloquy

    Eneas: what’s new?


    (Benitin is dressed as the dummy partner and the dummy is dressed as Benitin !)

    LOL at Eneas’ reaction to the switcheroo!

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  4. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 4 years ago

    Good Sunny morning, Vagabonds,

    It was 85 yesterday, and supposed to get up to 88 today.

    Again we sat out last night until almost midnight! There were 14 Satellites and 17 Meteorites. What an exciting night! And the peak isn’t until tonight and tomorrow night. Love these dark nights. The sky is incredible!

    PT today and some grocery shopping. How exciting. Stay healthy.

    xoxo Happy Trails

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  5. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  almost 4 years ago

    Good almost afternoon, Vagabonds.

    I had to run out to prayer group just as I reached the ByE strip this morning, so I didn’t have a chance to post then.

    We got up to 104 yesterday and the same is expected today. Last night stayed in the 80’s so I guess our nice nights are over. Although both of my forecasts say it should get down to the mid 70’s tonight and tomorrow night. I guess we’ll see since last night was supposed to as well.

    Not much happening outside of the routine today. Except I did stop at Wal Mart for some Milky Way Midnight Minis. They are less than an inch square, are really good frozen and I only need one per day to satisfy my chocolate cravings. I have been to several stores looking for them over the past week and finally got smart and looked online to find them in stock at one of the local Wal Marts. (And yes, considering how hard they were to find, I bought more than one bag.)

    Everyone be safe and have a blessed day.

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