Clay Jones for April 09, 2011

  1. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Return the top rate to 90%. Tax the 2% hoarding 85% of the nation’s wealth. This is the way back to sanity, jobs, and the proper functioning of the economy.

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    beenthere41  about 13 years ago

    Bropst is trying the old “Tell a lie often enough and eventually people will believe it is true” gambit. He has been shown often enough that 85% of the nations wealth is held by people who are middle-class (professionals, managers, college grads, etc.), and that increasing the top tax rate to 90% will make a dent only if that rate applies to the middle class as well as the super rich. But he refuses to listen.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 13 years ago

    35% may be high enough- JUST COLLECT IT! and CUT CORPORATE SUBSIDIES. Also, cut subsidies for “energy programs”, defense contractors (all forms), grazing subsidies, end the 1872 Mining Act giveaways, public land timber giveaways, negotiate drug prices on Medicare, and re-regulate banking and stock and futures markets.

    None of the above happen to be in “Ryan’s plan”.

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    vatonaught  about 13 years ago

    Seems that airline safety measure cuts are part of the new budget deal. Sounds like the speil from Reagan’s days of campaigning. Lets see how the public likes the spending cuts now.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Why DID you give him the plane? Spineless idiots.

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