ViewsAsia by Cartoon Movement-US for February 17, 2020

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    PhilipOlson  about 4 years ago

    Chernobyl is the nuclear reactor destroyed by an incompetent political appointment who should never have been near a power plant. The city the workers lived in had to be permanently abandoned.

    The propaganda came in when the Russian government kept insisting it was an accident rather than a political appointee’s deliberate order causing the destruction.

    Currently there was an outbreak of still another flu like virus in Asia. No connection to nuclear power and no orders by health care managers to spread the disease.

    The Chinese government responded overwhelmingly. They had already finished building the emergency hospital and still the world health organization officially called it a waste as no emergency existed.

    The propaganda is coming from the USA and it vassal states. When such emphasis on made up stories is spread at much cost and effort it makes me wonder why so much trouble to lie about others. It is not done without a reason and without this reason being obvious I do worry.

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