Mr. Lowe by Mark Pett for August 06, 2020

  1. Missing large
    micromos  almost 4 years ago
    A man applies for a job as the bell-ringer. He finds the proprietor and asks for a job. The proprietor says, “Well, sir, I don’t think we’ll be able to hire you. You have no arms with which to ring the bell.” The man replies , “Sir, please. My father was a bell-ringer, my grandfather was a bell-ringer, I must ring the bells.” The proprietor is skeptical, but gives the man the job. On his first day on the job, the armless man walks up to the top of the tower to ring the bells. He winds, up and smashes his head into the bell. BONG, BONG, BONG. The bell starts swaying back and forth, harder and faster, and eventually swings back and nocks the man out of the tower to the cobblestone below. A little old man was sitting on a bench below the tower when this happened. A passerby saw as well and asks the old man, “Did you know him?” The old man said, “No, but his face rings a bell.”

    Another man with no arms walks into the same bell tower and applies for a job as the bell-ringer. He speaks with the proprietor who was shocked to find another applicant for the job so soon. The proprietor refused to give the job to the armless man. “No, the last bell-ringer didn’t work out. I don’t think you would be a good fit for the job.” The armless man protested, “Sir, my father was a bell-ringer, my grandfather was a bell-ringer, my brother before me was a bell-ringer. It is my destiny to ring the bells.” Grudgingly, the proprietor accepted. “Alright, but be careful.” The armless man walks up to the top of the tower to ring the bells. He begins to ring the bell by smashing his head into it. BONG, BONG, BONG. The bell begins to build momentum, and eventually the bell swings back and nocks the man out of the tower to the cobblestone below. The same little old man was sitting on a bench below the tower, and a passerby walked by and saw the carnage. “Did you know him?” said the passerby. “No” said the old man, “but he’s a dead ringer for his brother.”

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