Clay Bennett for February 15, 2011

  1. Asra
    steelbladeoffury  over 13 years ago

    So this is what happens when a political branch has absolute power over its people and their lives.

    At least the people in Egypt are happy that their president stepped down. Where it goes from there, one can only speculate.

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    DjGuardian  over 13 years ago

    There are a lot of names missing from that throne.

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    vatonaught  over 13 years ago

    Considering the danger posed by people who want a one party system in our country…maybe we ought to look in the mirror before it’s too late.

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  4. Mexico border
    TruthfulTheocracy  over 13 years ago

    ^Si. Its time to wiretap the Republicans.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    They’re debating the most egregious portions of the “Patriot Act” right now– never say “it can’t happen here”.

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    DjGuardian  over 13 years ago

    ^ I’m lost on who’s supposed to be for or against that thing anymore. I know many people on each side that seem to split their take. It was a Rep proposal, but Dems have willingly taken advantage of it with no remorse or hesitation.

    Furthermore, it’s the Dems who propose giving the President total and unbridled authority to shut down the internet much like many of these totalitarian and tyrannical countries. Yet, it’s liberals/leftists which have vied for free internet with no FCC like involvement/regulation. And while the majority on the right doesn’t want the free internet vision of the left, they also don’t want the president to have the power to shut the net down.

    Talk about twisted up.

    Anyway, I respect the desire to at least debate and repeal certain aspects of the Patriot Act. I never really was able to formulate a solid opinion on the matter based from my worldview. I think I still just don’t understand the exact complexities and range, nor its intentions, nor its end workings. Without all that I don’t know how to properly form an opinion.

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  7. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Sooky Rottweiler says; Just a minute (lifts leg and pees on chair leg). There.

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