Scott Stantis for September 25, 2019

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 4 years ago

    I agree: What irony? Weed is nearly* impossible to OD on, and has, so far as we know, no carcinogenic effect.

    Of course if you’re a conservative  you don’t believe that, because you know  that it oughta be against the law like it always was, and if it’s illegal then it’s bad, without further examination. Vaping, on the other hand, is almost completely unregulated, and what you put into the vape-devices is  completely unregulated (like cigarette papers: You can put anything in them that you want). So of course, vaping, being legal, is completely safe!

    *  Some kids have been harmed by eating “edible form” marijuana, but I believe there have been no cases where smoking it has caused harm.

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  2. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 4 years ago

    Cannabinoid receptors, located throughout the body, are part of the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory. Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) receptors are thought to be one of the most widely expressed Gαi protein-coupled receptors in the brain.


    In other words, there are more receptors in the brain for cannabis than anything else. Its almost as if the brain were built for cannabis use.

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  3. Photo 1501706362039 c06b2d715385
    Zebrastripes  over 4 years ago

    Vaping is as lethal as trump

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  4. Marx.
    DeepState  over 4 years ago

    The world is going to pot….

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 4 years ago

    You can also vaporize vegetative material – marijuana, “cleaner” than burning in a joint or pipe, as I do, or use edibles. Medically, getting more relief than from any potentially lethal or addictive “pharmaceutical” for multiple conditions for physical pain and psychological relief from PTSD, has been good for me, and millions of others. And no, you can’t kill yourself with marijuana, unless you choke trying to swallow a brick. BTW of over 40 prescription drugs advertised on TV, only THREE do NOT have potential lethal side effects.

    I don’t like the idea of vaping the oils, as has been noted in the cases reported, it’s the oils, not even nicotine that is the problem, same for THC in pot.

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    patiodragon  over 4 years ago

    FYI. The human body had cannabinoid receptors. Not nicotine receptors.

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    Gen.Flashman  over 4 years ago

    With pot there is always the danger of while you getting high your baby will drown in the bathtub (for those under 65, a classic Dragnet episode)

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