Lisa Benson for January 07, 2011

  1. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 13 years ago

    Yeah, this is the first time the debt ceiling has been raised, right? Geez!

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  2. Prr
    Loco80  over 13 years ago

    That doesn’t make it alright to keep doing it. The opposite is true.

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  3. Ghost
    Devils Knight  over 13 years ago

    all you people that think the taxes should be raised no one is going to stop you from sending more money to the government on you own so you just go ahead and send them an $10,000 when you file your taxes and then the rest of us can keep our money

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    ^ second the “no overtime” for many hours of work, also volunteered for 8 years after retiring because the budget had been cut to get the job done and I felt obligated to protect that “public interest”. (add in volunteer ski patrol, EMT, and other). Not shooting for any “medals”, but there are many good folks doing volunteer work out there, and they “typically” are NOT the ones complaining about their “tax burden”. And yes, they ARE keeping that debt ceiling down, while “defense” blows it out of orbit.

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  5. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  over 13 years ago

    Final Tab for Pelosi’s 1,461 days as dictator of the US House that originates every dollar spent by the federal government….$5.34 Trillion in New Debt… that’s brought the total up to $14 Trillion owed as of 1/4/11, her last day as Speaker.

    In spite of dire warnings from Big Spenders in Congress, I hope the House GOP refuses to raise the ceiling once again, because no “deal” with Democrats that promised to cut spending in the future was ever followed through by them and cut to lower the rising deficits/debt..

    “Pelosi not only outstripped her predecessors, in the total volume of debt added…but also in the rate at which the new debt was added….in fact, Pelosi added debt at a rate more than 3 times faster than her nearest competitor.”

    Proving the word of a Democrat is worthless, Pelosi said when she became Speaker Jan. 2007. “After years of historic deficits, this 110th Congress will commit itself to a higher standard: Pay as you go, no new deficit spending”…she said in her inaugural address…”

    When will the voters hold the Guilty feet to the fire????

    The Federal Debt Ceiling should be lowered, not raised!

    Each Annual Budget should include at least $1 trillion each year PayDown of Debt, IMO.

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  6. Missing large
    ARodney  over 13 years ago

    Right. Voting against raising the debt ceiling does as much for balancing our budget as refusing to make a credit card payment does for a house budget. How will destroying our America’s faith and credit help us pay off the debt?

    These Republicans are total infants, having a pointless hissy fit, knowing that the adults (the Democrats) will prevent them from getting what they say they want. Next, they’ll vote for a balanced budget amendment, something no household or business would EVER do, because it doesn’t solve the problem and sets up an inflexible rule that will need to be overridden the next time there’s an emergency.

    Grow up. The way to balance the budget is to (a) do the math. (b) After doing the math, you’ll know that you need to cut spending AND raise taxes.

    There simply is no other way to do it.

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  7. Sherman
    DamYankee22  over 13 years ago

    ARodney - I agree. But it won’t happen, because you cannot do anything without the approval of the national infants. We just have to keep pacifying them with sweets.

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