Flo and Friends by Jenny Campbell for January 18, 2019

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    Anathema Premium Member over 5 years ago

    My Aunt’s hearing got so bad that even a hearing aid didn’t help. Helen Keller was asked if she could pick one sense to get back which would she choose. She said “I would choose hearing. Blindness separates you from the things of the world but being deaf separates you from other people.” I remember years ago when I had a deaf girlfriend, the thing that split us apart was that I really wanted to get back to the Great Pacific Northwest and she really wanted to stay in Wichita where her family was. In Seattle she would have no one but me.

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    Crabbyrino Premium Member over 5 years ago

    The cochlear implants are fantastic. Hope it’s available to anyone who could use it.

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  3. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Deafness isn’t frightening, it’s just sad. At least in my case, where it was a gradual loss, and I, without realizing I was doing it, taught myself to lip read fairly well. That makes it somewhat less of a problem to talk to one person. But, you have the choice of asking them to repeat, which becomes annoying for them quickly, or just missing out on parts of the conversation, which can also be annoying when further conversation makes it evident that you didn’t understand. Basically, few people are willing to go to the trouble, generally only old friends and family. And, even then you often feel like they would rather be somewhere else. Talking with a group of people is simply impossible. You have no idea which lips to read, and really might as well just not be there. So, yes it gets lonesome. I really appreciate this forum, since I understand everything that is written and know that I am being understood. (Well, at least heard)

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  4. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 5 years ago

    It’s also helpful in screening your conversations.

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    This is another one to print out and hang in my hearing aid fitting room.

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