Walt Handelsman for November 29, 2018

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Unfortunately, the “Drama” is devolving into a type of “Farce” with just a touch of pathos mixed in!

    When Donnie first contemplated running for President in 2015, evidently his team had no plans for actually “winning” the race, the contest was entered to increase the value of the Trump “Brand”! That is “why” Donnie continued to proceed on the “Trump Moscow” project while denying ANY contact with Russia at all! He was NEVER supposed to come under the type of intense scrutiny that “successful” public figures are subjected to!

    Serendipity reared its ugly head when Russia offered to “help” Donnie get elected by ‘trashing’ Hillary Clinton and, at the same time agreement was reached to have one of Putin’s (sanctioned) banks provide financing for the massive project IF Donnie could get the sanctions against Russia lifted.

    And then the “excrement” hit the “rotating blades” when the Trump-Russian collusion over the hacked emails was exposed. At that point, Donnie and Putin put the Trump Moscow Tower deal on temporary hold, and Donnie began his famous Sergeant Schultz, “I Know Nothing!” routine over collusion with Russia!

    Bottom line, here, folks, is that America currently has a President that is a known Russian Agent in thrall to a Former KGB intelligence chief named V. Putin! Donnie evidently is willing to go to any length to keep the “Trump Tower Moscow” deal alive for when he ‘retires’ from the Presidency.

    He wanted to burnish his “Brand” by being able to say, “I ran for President!” He’s now finding out just how much more profitable it is to be able to say, “I AM the President!” This person isn’t even waiting to say, “I WAS the President!” He wants hi payday NOW!

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