Clay Jones for November 20, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Yep, all the wackos are after George Soros, who came to this country at age 15 as a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust — whose flag so many Trump supporters now salute.

    If anything, Soros comes as humanly possible in the real world to the libertarian fantasy of the “self-made” “rugged individualist,” having achieved great success.

    Along with fellow billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who also rose to wealth from modest Midwestern beginnings, these two are viciously demonized by the feudal corporatists, most of whom (like the Koch brothers, Walton heirs, Mercer heirs, Mitt R-money, DeVos family, Bush family, and of course Donald Trump and his kids) inherited their billions (and networking connections) from their daddies.

    But Soros and Buffett, who made their own fortunes instead of having them handed to them by Daddy, appreciate the opportunities of an open society and remember the many others who helped them along the way, And because they have the NERVE to remember their modest beginnings and support policies to help others enjoy the same opportunities. While nowhere close to being a billionaire, Barack Obama was also born to modest means: a young, interracial couple of students, raised by an economically unstable single mother, but who became an enormous success as an attorney working for a private-sector law firm, a professor of Constitutional law, a successful best-selling author before becoming famous in politics, and then a state legislator, U.S. senator and U.S. president without the help of inherited money or networking connections.

    Ironically, feudal wealthy heirs demonize as “socialists” the most successful investment capitalist of all time (Buffett) and one of the leading industrial capitalists (Soros) as “communists” or “socialists.”

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  2. Img 0048
    Nantucket Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Now I know why every time I flagged a lie about Soros as “false news” that Facebook either didn’t reply or they said it didn’t violate their “standards”.

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 5 years ago

    Another Trump fan in a racist van

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