Tim Campbell for June 19, 2018

  1. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 6 years ago

    “Uh, sorry. You can only treat minority refugees that way. Not privileged white children.”

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    Ontman  almost 6 years ago

    To paraphrase Jan Brady, “Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.” When in doubt Trump shouts it out.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Considering the Pilgrim’s insane beliefs and murderous history those children might be better off with the native tribes.

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    noblepa  almost 6 years ago

    SOUNDSTORM, that is ridiculous. A prison may be comfortable, even plush, but it is still a prison. Furthermore, a six-year old who was traumatically separated from his parents does not appreciate the comforts. He/she only knows that mommy and daddy, the only safety and comfort they have ever known, are gone. Will they ever see them again? Young children have a tremendous need to be with their parents. Some go to pieces when they are left in kindergarten for the first time.

    Also, many of the people being detained and having their children taken away have committed no crime. They arrived at a border crossing and presented themselves to ICE, asking for asylum. THAT IS NOT ENTERING THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY!!!

    Those people may or may not be granted asylum. If asylum is denied, they can be deported, but they have committed not crime.

    Even for those that really did enter illegally, by sneaking through the desert or something, they do not need to be arrested. They can be detained, along with their families, in an immigration detention center, while their deportation is processed.

    There is no law, regardless of what Trump, Sessions or their apologists say, that REQUIRES every single illegal to be criminally prosecuted. It is well within the DOJ’s prosecutorial discretion to handle it within ICE and not involve criminal charges.

    I predict that, whatever Congress passes to attempt to alleviate this situation, Trump will veto it unless it contains funding for his stupid wall. The children are simply bargaining chips.

    Trump created this situation by executive order and he can alleviate it the same way.

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