Steve Breen for January 23, 2018

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    Ontman  over 6 years ago

    “There were good and bad on both sides” Where have I heard that before?

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  2. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 6 years ago

    $ure $eems like the $ame old bull$ht a$ u$ual to me!

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    wirepunchr  over 6 years ago

    Congress has that controller, playing with people’s lives but you think about it so do prosecutors and lawyers, it’s just a game to them.

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    lopaka  over 6 years ago

    We the people need to get the brain dead’s attention. If it is an incumbant, vote for the other one

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The people in Washington D.C. are not JUST playing a game, though I’ll admit it might appear that way to the "man-on-the-street! Our political system is set up in such a way that outcomes are either yin or yang, black or white, either/or! The government is set up so that there is no functional path for a third party to function. I’ll grant you that there is nothing STOPPING additional parties from forming (besides a distinct lack of required funding), practically, the few (2) politicians that ARE NOT either Democrat or Republican must align themselves with one major party or the other or be totally marginalized and, therefore, totally ineffective.

    Oh, and, by the way, we, the rank-and-file, are at least partially responsible as well. We elect without any attention to what the elected REALLY stand for outside of agreeing with a stance or two that we take. We send them off to a job that pays WAY TOO MUCH for doing WAY TOO LITTLE and, once they are there, we KEEP SENDING THEM BACK!

    How do we fix this mess we’re in? Truly, it beats me! I can see some of the things that need to be changed (not all, by a long shot, though) but I don’t see it getting fixed because it would require “the inmates correcting the asylum” and you know how likely THAT would be!

    The time to fix the problem was, if I may make a simplistic simile, back before ‘Brer Rabbit’ smacked the ‘Tar Baby’ for the first time! After the first punch, there was no way back! Remember the sign over the gate to Hell, “’Abandon hope all ye who enter here”? we passed that warning a long time ago. I’m a pessimist and would seriously consider becoming a fatalist (but I’m sure it wouldn’t do any good! [grin])

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Dems shutdown the government to protect people who were brought to US as children, have been educated and met requirements so that they don’t have to hide which means they can pay taxes, report crimes and testify against criminals, etc. There would not have been a need to do this except Trump first eliminated DACA and when bipartisan replacement brought, he reneged on promise to support it.

    .Repubs shutdown the government multiple times because they didn’t want to raise the debt-ceiling. This means they were blocking money to pay bills for money already spent; it had nothing to do with future spending. But now the Repubs passed a tax cut that will greatly expand the debt and deficit.

    .Sorry Breen, but these reasons are not in the same ballpark.

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  7. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 6 years ago

    Trump filled the swamp, he made America worse and he put us last. He didn’t build a wall, and we will still pay for it. He didn’t lock her up, and he colluded with Russia. His inauguration was one of the smallest in history and he hasn’t accomplished anything in the last year.

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