Joe Heller for December 06, 2016

  1. Missing large
    Flash Gordon  over 7 years ago

    Replace those with modern LED bulbs.

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  2. Menard2
    habfan40  over 7 years ago

    its all Trumps fault?

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  3. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  over 7 years ago

    Now Trump has a new business again…Christmas lights…

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  4. 17089663590345538622707983594073
    David Huie Green LosersBlameOthers&It'sYOURfault  over 7 years ago

    lights fights

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  5. 17089663590345538622707983594073
    David Huie Green LosersBlameOthers&It'sYOURfault  over 7 years ago

    Random Nick said,

    @Mike Menard

    “Wars are usually instigated and prosecuted by right wing authoritarians.”



    By Left Wing Authoritarians.

    Actually, the terms “right wing” and “left wing” don’’t apply to authoritarians, just to their assorted supporters.


    FDR got us in war with Japan by opposing Japan’s evils in China.

    LBJ got us in war by a false statement to Congress.

    The Spanish American War was caused by blaming Spain for the explosion of a ship which may have just been an accident.

    Civil War caused by desire to end slavery

    Clinton got us into Kosovo to protect one group of monsters from another group of monsters

    Reagan had us in Lebanon trying to give peace a chance

    Truman kept us in South Korea so when the north invaded, Americans would die and get us involved (the main reason why we stayed in West Germany)


    Wars are started by people who think they can get away with conquest meeting people unwilling to yield to them.

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 7 years ago

    So EVERY war is LIBERAL caused?FDR did not attack Pearl Harbor. Every living PH vet and their families should pummel you to hell. We tried, as a people, to stay out of “EUROPE’S” war, even with FDR’s Lend Lease program, that did NOT involve fighting!And the Civil War WAS NOT caused by a desire to end slavery. Read a damn HISTORY book. It was started by South Carolina attacking Fort Sumter, a UNITED STATES military garrison. The NORTH DID NOT attack the South.Reagan WAS NOT in Lebanon to “give peace a chance,” just to project US power. (And since when was Reagan a liberal?AND he chickened out after the barracks bombing, only to “project” our power to Grenada, which had not, did not and was not a threat to US! And no, Cuba WASN’T behind ANYTHING there!And you MAY want to READ a history of Korea. Nothing to do with Germany, and WE were winning until China leapt in.

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  7. 17089663590345538622707983594073
    David Huie Green LosersBlameOthers&It'sYOURfault  over 7 years ago

    edinbaltimore said,

    “So EVERY war is LIBERAL caused?”


    I didn’t even USE the word and you accuse me of blaming them?


    “Every living PH vet and their families should pummel you to hell.”


    Just let them try.

    They’re old enough I could probably hold my own.


    You think Japan attacked us because they liked wasting bombs?

    They did it because we stood in the way of their expansionist goals.


    And you think giving someone bullets to kill your soldiers with won’t get him to attack you?

    “And the Civil War WAS NOT caused by a desire to end slavery. Read a damn HISTORY book. It was started by South Carolina attacking Fort Sumter, a UNITED STATES military garrison.”


    Try not to lose me here.

    The only reason there were two sides is because of a division over slavery. No dispute, no division, no war.


    So yes, it was.


    “Cuba WASN’T behind ANYTHING there!And you MAY want to READ a history of Korea. Nothing to do with Germany, and WE were winning until China leapt in.”


    Notice you like the war as long as we were winning.

    You are down on China because they involved themselves in their proxy war next door?

    And yes, our troops are kept in harm’s way to force Congress to go to war if those other countries are attacked.

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